- donkey-pump
- вспомогательный паровой насос, донка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Donkey pump — Donkey Don key (d[o^][ng] k[y^]), n.; pl. {Donkeys} (d[o^][ng] k[i^]z). [Prob. dun, in allusion to the color of the animal + a dim. termination.] 1. An ass; or (less frequently) a mule. [1913 Webster] 2. A stupid or obstinate fellow; an ass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
donkey pump — noun a supplementary pump available if needed • Syn: ↑auxiliary pump • Hypernyms: ↑pump * * * noun also donkey ( s) : an auxiliary pump … Useful english dictionary
donkey-pump — donˈkey pump noun An extra steam pump • • • Main Entry: ↑donkey … Useful english dictionary
donkey pump — noun A pump, in the form of a nodding donkey, for pumping water … Wiktionary
Donkey — Don key (d[o^][ng] k[y^]), n.; pl. {Donkeys} (d[o^][ng] k[i^]z). [Prob. dun, in allusion to the color of the animal + a dim. termination.] 1. An ass; or (less frequently) a mule. [1913 Webster] 2. A stupid or obstinate fellow; an ass. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Donkey engine — Donkey Don key (d[o^][ng] k[y^]), n.; pl. {Donkeys} (d[o^][ng] k[i^]z). [Prob. dun, in allusion to the color of the animal + a dim. termination.] 1. An ass; or (less frequently) a mule. [1913 Webster] 2. A stupid or obstinate fellow; an ass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Donkey's eye — Donkey Don key (d[o^][ng] k[y^]), n.; pl. {Donkeys} (d[o^][ng] k[i^]z). [Prob. dun, in allusion to the color of the animal + a dim. termination.] 1. An ass; or (less frequently) a mule. [1913 Webster] 2. A stupid or obstinate fellow; an ass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pump — Synonyms and related words: abdomen, add to, aggrandize, air pump, amplify, animate, anus, appendix, aspirator, augment, bail out, beer pump, bicycle pump, bilge pump, bleed, blind gut, bloat, blow up, bowels, brain, breast pump, broach, broaden … Moby Thesaurus
donkey — /dong kee, dawng , dung /, n., pl. donkeys, adj. n. 1. the domestic ass, Equus asinus. 2. (since 1874) a representation of this animal as the emblem of the U.S. Democratic party. 3. a stupid, silly, or obstinate person. 4. a woodworking apparatus … Universalium
donkey — I. /ˈdɒŋki / (say dongkee) noun (plural donkeys) 1. a domesticated ass, Equus asinus, used as a beast of burden. 2. a stupid, silly or obstinate person. –adjective 3. Machinery auxiliary: donkey pump. –phrase 4. be on like Donkey Kong, (of a… …
donkey — don•key [[t]ˈdɒŋ ki, ˈdɔŋ , ˈdʌŋ [/t]] n. pl. keys, adj. 1) mam a domesticated ass Equus asinus[/ex] 2) a stupid, silly, or obstinate person 3) mac auxiliary: donkey engine; donkey pump[/ex] • Etymology: 1775–85; perh. alter. of Dunkey,… … From formal English to slang