dominant function
Смотреть что такое "dominant function" в других словарях:
Dominant seventh chord — on C: C7 Play ( … Wikipedia
Dominant (music) — For the term dominant function on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, see Myers Briggs Type Indicator#Dominant Function. Tonic and dominant in C … Wikipedia
Dominant parallel — Dominant and dominant parallel in C major: GM and Em chords Play … Wikipedia
Dominant wavelength — Dominant/complementary wavelength example on the CIE color space The x marks the color in question. For the white point indicated, the dominant wavelength for x is on the nearer perimeter, around 600 nm, while the complementary wavelength is… … Wikipedia
function — function, functionalism Although the use of the concepts of function and functionalism is usually associated with the work of Talcott Parsons in modern sociology, there is a long tradition of functional explanation in studying societies, and a… … Dictionary of sociology
Dominant white — This dominant white Thoroughbred stallion (W2/+) has one form of dominant white. His skin, hooves, and coat lack pigment cells, giving him a pink skinned white coat. Dominant white is a group of genetically related coat color conditions in the… … Wikipedia
Dominant seventh flat five chord — See also: Half diminished seventh chord dominant seventh flat five chord Component intervals from root minor seventh diminished fifth (tritone) … Wikipedia
dominant negative — A mutation which is capable of exerting an effect even when only one copy is present, as in a heterozygote. Usually explained as a mutation that disrupts one subunit of a multimeric protein thus making the whole complex dysfunctional.… … Dictionary of molecular biology
function — the main purpose of, or dominant activity in, a settlement. Examples might be: administrative, educational, industrial, market, military garrison, religious, or residential among others. Small settlements can easily be classified. As… … Geography glossary
Diatonic function — Scale degree names[1] (C major scale) … Wikipedia
Secondary dominant — (also applied dominant) is a type of chord used in musical harmony. It refers to a dominant of a degree other than the tonic, with V7/V, the dominant of the dominant, being the most frequently encountered [Kostka, Stefan and Dorothy Payne (2003) … Wikipedia