domain of transitivity

domain of transitivity
мат. область транзитивности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "domain of transitivity" в других словарях:

  • Transitivity (mathematics) — In mathematics, the word transitive admits at least three distinct meanings:* A group G acts transitively on a set S if for any x , y ∈ S , there is some g ∈ G such that gx = y . See group action. A somewhat related meaning is explained at… …   Wikipedia

  • Arrow's impossibility theorem — In social choice theory, Arrow’s impossibility theorem, the General Possibility Theorem, or Arrow’s paradox, states that, when voters have three or more distinct alternatives (options), no voting system can convert the ranked preferences of… …   Wikipedia

  • Boolean algebra (logic) — For other uses, see Boolean algebra (disambiguation). Boolean algebra (or Boolean logic) is a logical calculus of truth values, developed by George Boole in the 1840s. It resembles the algebra of real numbers, but with the numeric operations of… …   Wikipedia

  • Analytic continuation — In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, analytic continuation is a technique to extend the domain of a given analytic function. Analytic continuation often succeeds in defining further values of a function, for example in a new region where …   Wikipedia

  • Forcing (mathematics) — For the use of forcing in recursion theory, see Forcing (recursion theory). In the mathematical discipline of set theory, forcing is a technique invented by Paul Cohen for proving consistency and independence results. It was first used, in 1963,… …   Wikipedia

  • Social Choice and Individual Values — Kenneth Arrow s monograph Social Choice and Individual Values (1951, 2nd ed., 1963) and a theorem within it created modern social choice theory, a rigorous melding of social ethics and voting theory with an economic flavor. Somewhat formally, the …   Wikipedia

  • First-order logic — is a formal logical system used in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. It goes by many names, including: first order predicate calculus, the lower predicate calculus, quantification theory, and predicate logic (a less… …   Wikipedia

  • Tuple relational calculus — The tuple calculus is a calculus that was introduced by Edgar F. Codd as part of the relational model in order to give a declarative database query language for this data model. It formed the inspiration for the database query languages QUEL and… …   Wikipedia

  • Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development — For more information, see Piaget s theory of cognitive development, Cognitive development and Intelligence. Psychology …   Wikipedia

  • Identity and change — The relationship between identity and change in the philosophical field of metaphysics seems, at first glance, deceptively simple, and belies the complexity of the issues involved. This article explores the problem of change and identity . Change …   Wikipedia

  • Upper and lower bounds — In mathematics, especially in order theory, an upper bound of a subset S of some partially ordered set ( P , le;) is an element of P which is greater than or equal to every element of S . The term lower bound is defined dually as an element of P… …   Wikipedia

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