domain of curvature
Смотреть что такое "domain of curvature" в других словарях:
Curvature — In mathematics, curvature refers to any of a number of loosely related concepts in different areas of geometry. Intuitively, curvature is the amount by which a geometric object deviates from being flat, or straight in the case of a line, but this … Wikipedia
Membrane curvature — is the geometrical measure or characterization of the curvature of membranes. The membranes can be naturally occurring or man made (synthetic). An example of naturally occurring membrane is the lipid bilayer of cells, also known as cellular… … Wikipedia
BAR domain — BAR (Bin–Amphiphysin–Rvs) domains are highly conserved protein dimerisation domains that occur in many proteins involved in membrane dynamics in a cell. The BAR domain is banana shaped and binds to membrane via its concave face. It is capable of… … Wikipedia
ENTH domain — Pfam box Symbol = ENTH Name = width =200 caption = ENTH domain of Epsin 1 Pfam= PF01417 InterPro= IPR001026 SMART= PROSITE = PDOC50942 SCOP = 1edu TCDB = OPM family= 39 OPM protein= 1h0a PDB=PDB3|1eyhA:17 140 PDB3|1h0aA:17 140 PDB3|1eduA:17… … Wikipedia
nature, philosophy of — Introduction the discipline that investigates substantive issues regarding the actual features of nature as a reality. The discussion here is divided into two parts: the philosophy of physics and the philosophy of biology. In this… … Universalium
Corner detection — Feature detection Output of a typical corner detection algorithm … Wikipedia
Differential geometry of surfaces — Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1828 In mathematics, the differential geometry of surfaces deals with smooth surfaces with various additional structures, most often, a Riemannian metric. Surfaces have been extensively studied from various perspectives:… … Wikipedia
Orbifold — This terminology should not be blamed on me. It was obtained by a democratic process in my course of 1976 77. An orbifold is something with many folds; unfortunately, the word “manifold” already has a different definition. I tried “foldamani”,… … Wikipedia
mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… … Universalium
Longitude — For Dava Sobel s book about John Harrison, see Longitude (book). For the adaptation of Sobel s book, see Longitude (TV series). Map of Earth Longitude (λ) Lines of longitude appear vertical with varying curvature in this projection, but are… … Wikipedia
Maxwell's equations — For thermodynamic relations, see Maxwell relations. Electromagnetism … Wikipedia