domain name
Смотреть что такое "domain name" в других словарях:
domain name — n. A name composed of letters and/or numbers, such as “,” or the portion of an email address that follows the @ sign, linked to a numerical IP address that identifies the location of a particular website or computer. See also Domain Name… … Law dictionary
domain name — doˈmain ˌname noun [countable] COMPUTING the address of a computer network connected to the Internet. A domain name is followed by an abbreviation which could show its type, for example .com for a company, or its country of origin, for example… … Financial and business terms
domain name — domain′ name n. can. cmp a name, usu. an alphabetical sequence including the name of a person or organization followed by a suffix indicating the top level domain: used in a Web address to identify the location of particular Web pages: Our… … From formal English to slang
domain name — domain names N COUNT A domain name is the name of a person s or organization s website on the Internet, for example . [COMPUTING] Is the domain name already registered or still available? … English dictionary
Domain Name — [engl.], Domänenname … Universal-Lexikon
domain name — n. a unique string of keyboard characters serving as the part of an Internet or Web address that is legally registered as by a particular organization, e mail service, etc … English World dictionary
Domain name — A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control in the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Domain names are used in… … Wikipedia
Domain-Name — schematische Darstellung der DNS Hierarchie Eine Domain (auch Domäne) ist ein Namensraum, der zusammen mit dem Hostnamen dazu dient Computer im Internet zu identifizieren, und ist unter anderem Bestandteil der URL einer Webseite, wie z. B.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
domain name — A registered address for an organization or an individual for use on the Internet. Domain names are hierarchical with the parts separated by full stops, known as dots. The highest hierarchical part is called the top level domain; this identifies… … Big dictionary of business and management
domain name — n. Computers. a name, usually an alphabetical sequence including the name of a person or organization followed by a suffix indicating the top level domain: used in a Web address to identify the location of particular Web pages: Our company s… … Universalium
domain name — noun a) a unique, case insensitive, name, consisting of a string made up of alphanumeric characters and dashes separated by periods, that the Domain Name System maps to IP numbers and other information. RFC 822, P. Mockapetris, November 1983:… … Wiktionary