Смотреть что такое "dolorology" в других словарях:
dolorology — The study and treatment of pain. [L. dolor, pain, + G. logos, study] * * * do·lo·rol·o·gy .dō lə räl ə jē, .däl ə n, pl gies a medical specialty concerned with the study and treatment of pain … Medical dictionary
dol´o|rol´o|gist — dol|o|rol|o|gy «DOL uh ROL uh jee», noun. the scientific study of pain: »Not until the specialty of dolorology began to emerge did the study of pain itself gain a new emphasis and respectability (New York Times Magazine). ╂[< Latin dolor pain… … Useful english dictionary
dol|o|rol|o|gy — «DOL uh ROL uh jee», noun. the scientific study of pain: »Not until the specialty of dolorology began to emerge did the study of pain itself gain a new emphasis and respectability (New York Times Magazine). ╂[< Latin dolor pain + English logy] … Useful english dictionary