Смотреть что такое "dollarwise" в других словарях:
dollarwise — /dol euhr wuyz /, adv. 1. as expressed in dollars; in dollars and cents: How much does a million francs amount to, dollarwise? 2. on a monetary basis; financially: The plan has disadvantages, but we will come out ahead dollarwise. [DOLLAR + WISE] … Universalium
dollarwise — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adverb Etymology: dollar + wise : in terms of dollars : so far as values are translatable into money equivalents * * * /dol euhr wuyz /, adv. 1. as expressed in dollars; in dollars and cents: How much does a million francs amount… … Useful english dictionary
-wise — adverb combining form Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wīsan, from wīse manner 1. a. in the manner of < crabwise > < fanwise > b. in the position or direction of < slantwise > < clockwise > 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Indiana University of Pennsylvania — Infobox University motto = Beyond Expectations name = Indiana University of Pennsylvania established = 1875 type = Public, Coed president= Tony Atwater, Ph.D. provost= Gerald W. Intemann, Ph.D. city = flagicon|USA Indiana state = PA country = USA … Wikipedia
Masseot Abaquesne — (c. 1500 1564)[1] was a faience manufacturer of Rouen, France between 1535 and 1557.[2] He was the maker of the remarkable paving in the Chateau de Ecouen, which has been attributed both to Luca della Robbia and Palissy.[2] He also made a large… … Wikipedia
NASFiC (1975) — NASFiC Genre Science fiction/Fantasy Venue Los Angeles Airport Marriott Location Los Angeles, California Country United States First held … Wikipedia
dol|lar|wise — «DOL uhr WYZ», adverb. with respect to dollars: »the highest sales dollarwise in the company s history … Useful english dictionary