dollar diplomacy

dollar diplomacy
долларовая дипломатия (США использует финансовый фактор для политических целей)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dollar diplomacy" в других словарях:

  • Dollar Diplomacy — is a term used to describe the effort of the United States particularly under President William Howard Taft to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries.[1]… …   Wikipedia

  • dollar diplomacy — ☆ dollar diplomacy n. 1. the policy of using the economic power or influence of a government to promote and protect in other countries the business interests of its private citizens, corporations, etc. 2. the use of economic power by a country to …   English World dictionary

  • dollar diplomacy — 1. a government policy of promoting the business interests of its citizens in other countries. 2. diplomacy or foreign relations strengthened by the power of a nation s financial resources. [1905 10, Amer.] * * * U.S. foreign policy created by… …   Universalium

  • dollar diplomacy — noun Date: 1910 1. diplomacy used by a country to promote its financial or commercial interests abroad 2. diplomacy that seeks to strengthen the power of a country or effect its purposes in foreign relations by the use of its financial resources …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dollar diplomacy — /dɒlə dəˈploʊməsi/ (say doluh duh plohmuhsee) noun 1. diplomacy dictated by financial interest. 2. diplomacy in the field of foreign relations employing financial means to increase another country s security, or increase political power in… …  

  • dollar diplomacy — noun diplomacy influenced by economic considerations • Hypernyms: ↑diplomacy, ↑diplomatic negotiations …   Useful english dictionary

  • dollar diplomacy — dol′lar diplo macy n. 1) gov a government policy of promoting the business interests of its citizens in other countries 2) gov diplomacy or foreign relations strengthened by well publicized aid to a country, as in the form of food, medicine,… …   From formal English to slang

  • dollar diplomacy — noun The effort of the United States particularly under President to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries …   Wiktionary

  • dollar diplomacy — advancing diplomatic relations through development of commerce …   English contemporary dictionary

  • dollar diplomacy — noun the use of a country s financial power to extend its international influence …   English new terms dictionary

  • dollar — (n.) 1550s, from Low Ger. daler, from Ger. taler (1530s, later thaler), abbreviation of Joachimstaler, lit. (gulden) of Joachimstal, coin minted 1519 from silver from mine opened 1516 near Joachimstal, town in Erzgebirge Mountains in northwest… …   Etymology dictionary

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