Смотреть что такое "dogshore" в других словарях:
Dogshore — Dog shore , n. (Naut.) One of several shores used to hold a ship firmly and prevent her moving while the blocks are knocked away before launching. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dogshore — /dawg shawr , shohr , dog /, n. Shipbuilding. any of several shores for holding the hull of a small or moderate sized vessel in place after keel blocks and other shores are removed and until the vessel is launched. [1795 1805; DOG + SHORE2] * * * … Universalium
dogshore — noun each of two blocks of timber positioned on each side of a ship on a slipway to prevent it sliding … English new terms dictionary
dogshore — /ˈdɒgʃɔ/ (say dogshaw) noun one of the timbers holding a small vessel temporarily before launching …
dogshore — n. a temporary wooden support for a ship just before launching. * * * ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a short timber between a block bolted to the ground ways and a similar block on one of the bilge ways to hold a ship while the keelblocks and shores are… … Useful english dictionary
bilge ways — noun plural but sometimes singular in construction 1. : heavy timbers that rest on the ground ways and carry the weight of a vessel in launching compare dogshore 2. : transverse timbers or supports on which the bilge blocks travel … Useful english dictionary