Смотреть что такое "dogrose" в других словарях:
Dogrose — (Dog rose) Variations: Brier Hip, Brier Rose, Dog Berry, Eglantine, Gall, Hep Tree, Hip Fruit, Hogseed, Hop Fruit, The Queen of Flowers, Rose Hip, Sweet Brier, Wild Brier, Witches Brier The dogrose shrub, found commonly in Europe and across Asia … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology
dogrose — dog rose n. A prickly wild rose (Rosa canina) native to Europe and naturalized in eastern North America, having fragrant pink or white flowers. [Translation of Medieval Latin rosa canīna: rosa, rose + canīna, feminine of canīnus, of a dog.] * * … Universalium
dogrose — /ˈdɒgroʊz / (say dogrohz) noun 1. → bauera. 2. a thorny shrub, Rosa canina, family Rosaceae, of temperate Eurasia, having pink or white flowers, used as a stock for grafting hybrid roses …
Ukrainian wine — The wine industry of Ukraine is well established with long traditions. Several brands of wine from Ukraine are exported to bordering countries, the European Union, and North America. HistoryA wine culture existed in the today s Ukraine in already … Wikipedia
Pietraroja — Infobox CityIT img coa = official name = Pietraroja name = Pietraroja region = Campania province = Province of Benevento (BN) elevation m = 818 area total km2 = 35.7 population as of = Dec. 2004 population total = 658 population density km2 = 18… … Wikipedia
Talgar — Infobox City official name = Talgar native name = Талғар motto = image pushpin pushpin label position =bottom pushpin mapsize = 280 pushpin map caption =Location in Kazakhstan map caption = Location in Kazakhstan subdivision type = Country… … Wikipedia
hedge — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. shrubbery, hedgerow. See vegetable, enclosure. v. evade; protect, shelter; hem in, obstruct; temporize. See compensation. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. fence, hedgerow, thornbush, shrubbery, enclosure,… … English dictionary for students
canker — /ˈkæŋkə / (say kangkuh) noun 1. Pathology a gangrenous or ulcerous sore, especially in the mouth. 2. Veterinary Science a disease affecting horses feet, usually the soles, characterised by a foul smelling exudate. 3. Veterinary Science eczema in… …