
dɔɡˈmætɪk прил.;
тж. dogmatical
1) догматический;
относящийся к доктрине;
содержащий доктрину Syn : doctrinal
2) догматический, принимаемый (что-л.) за догму, за непреложную истину Ex;
dogmatic philosophy ≈ догматическая философия
3) безапелляционный, категорический, не допускающий возражений (о человеке, стиле изложения) Syn : peremptory догматический;
доктринерский - * philosophy догматическая философия категорический, безапелляционный - * statement безапелляционное заявление высокомерный;
излишне самоуверенный (редкое) дидактический dogmatic диктаторский;
категорический, не допускающий возражений ~ догматический

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dogmatic" в других словарях:

  • dogmatic — DOGMÁTIC, Ă, dogmatici, ce, adj., subst. 1. adj. Care ţine de dogme, privitor la dogme; care se sprijină pe dogme. 2. s.f. Parte a teologiei care cuprinde expunerea (expune) sistematică a dogmelor unei religii; tratat asupra dogmelor religioase.… …   Dicționar Român

  • dogmatic — dog*mat ic (d[o^]g*m[a^]t [i^]k), dogmatical dog*mat ic*al (d[o^]g*m[a^]t [i^]*kal), a. [L. dogmaticus, Gr. dogmatiko s, fr. do gma: cf. F. dogmatique.] 1. Pertaining to a dogma, or to an established and authorized doctrine or tenet. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dogmatic — [adj1] dictatorial, opinionated arbitrary, arrogant, assertive, bigoted, bullheaded*, categorical, cocksure*, confident, definite, despotic, determined, dictative, doctrinaire, domineering, downright, egotistical, emphatic, fanatical, fascistic,… …   New thesaurus

  • dogmatic — dog*mat ic (d[o^]g*m[a^]t [i^]k), n. One of an ancient sect of physicians who went by general principles; opposed to the {Empiric} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dogmatic — I adjective absolute, arrogant, assertive, assertory, assured, authoritarian, authoritative, canonical, categorical, certain, confident, creedal, decided, definite, definitive, dictatorial, doctrinaire, doctrinal, domineering, emphatic, fanatical …   Law dictionary

  • dogmatic — 1670s, from L.L. dogmaticus, from Gk. dogmatikos pertaining to doctrines, from dogma (see DOGMA (Cf. dogma)). Related: Dogmatical (c.1600) …   Etymology dictionary

  • dogmatic — magisterial, doctrinaire, oracular, *dictatorial, authoritarian Analogous words: peremptory, *masterful, imperative, imperious, domineering …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • dogmatic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ inclined to impose dogma; firmly asserting personal opinions as true. DERIVATIVES dogmatically adverb dogmatism noun dogmatist noun …   English terms dictionary

  • dogmatic — [dôg mat′ik] adj. [L dogmaticus < Gr dogmatikos] 1. of or like dogma; doctrinal 2. asserted a priori or without proof 3. stating opinion in a positive or arrogant manner: also dogmatical SYN. DICTATORIAL dogmatically adv …   English World dictionary

  • dogmatic — [[t]dɒgmæ̱tɪk, AM dɔːg [/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you say that someone is dogmatic, you are critical of them because they are convinced that they are right, and refuse to consider that other opinions might also be justified. Many writers… …   English dictionary

  • dogmatic — dog|mat|ic [dɔgˈmætık US do:g , da:g ] adj someone who is dogmatic is completely certain of their beliefs and expects other people to accept them without arguing ▪ Her staff find her bossy and dogmatic. >dogmatically [ kli] adv >dogmatism… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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