
1. сущ.
1) собачка, собачонка, песик
2) горн.;
разг. десятник в шахте, старший над группой горняков
3) воен.;
сл. а) адъютант офицера б) денщик
2. прил.
1) собачий
2) любящий собак;
разбирающийся в собаках
3) сл. франтоватый, щегольской;
стильный, модный Syn : dashing, stylish, smart собачка, песик (горное) (разговорное) старший рабочий в угольной шахте (военное) (жаргон) "щенок", молодой офицер, офицерик (особ. об адъютанте) собачий любящий собак - * man собачник (американизм) стильный, крикливо-модный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "doggy" в других словарях:

  • doggy — (n.) also doggie, 1825, from DOG (Cf. dog) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (3). Doggy bag attested from 1965. As an adj. doggy is attested from late 14c., from Y (Cf. y) (2). The word has been used in various formations since at least late 19c. to describe the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • doggy — UK [ˈdɒɡɪ] / US [ˈdɔɡɪ] or doggie UK / US noun [countable] Word forms doggy : singular doggy plural doggies informal a dog. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children. • See: doggie …   English dictionary

  • doggy — doggy, doggie noun (C) 1 a word meaning dog, used especially by or to young children 2 doggy style/fashion a position in which two people have sex that is similar to the position that dogs or other animals use …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • doggy — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or like a dog. 2) fond of dogs …   English terms dictionary

  • doggy — n. pl. doggies [dôg′ē] n. 1. a little dog 2. any dog: a child s word: Also doggie n. doggies adj. doggier, doggiest 1. of or like a dog …   English World dictionary

  • doggy — 1. noun /ˈdɒ.ɡi,ˈdɑɡ.i,ˈdɔ.ɡi/ A dog, especially a small one. Syn: pup, puppy See Also: doggy bag, doggy paddle, doggy style 2. adjective /ˈ …   Wiktionary

  • doggy — dog|gy1 doggie [ˈdɔgi US ˈdo:gi] n plural doggies a dog used by or to children doggy 2 doggy2 adj informal 1.) like or relating to dogs ▪ doggy noises from the shed 2.) doggy style/fashion a way of ha …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • doggy — I. noun or doggie (plural doggies) Date: 1788 a usually small dog II. adjective (doggier; est) Date: 1859 1. concerned with or fond of dogs 2. resembling or suggestive of a dog …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • doggy — doggy1 /daw gee, dog ee/, n., pl. doggies. 1. a little dog or a puppy. 2. a pet term for any dog. Also, doggie. [1815 25; DOG + Y2] doggy2 /daw gee, dog ee/, adj., doggier, doggiest …   Universalium

  • doggy — /ˈdɒgi/ (say dogee) adjective (doggier, doggiest) 1. of or relating to a dog. 2. fond of dogs: a doggy person. 3. of or relating to short, coarse, straight wool of nondescript type, frequently found on old sheep. –noun (plural doggies) 4. →… …  

  • doggy — noun Doggy is used before these nouns: ↑bag …   Collocations dictionary

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