Dogcart — Dog cart , n. A light one horse carriage, commonly two wheeled, patterned after a cart. The original dogcarts used in England by sportsmen had a box at the back for carrying dogs … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dogcart — (engl., d.h. Hundekarren), leichter, meist zweiräderiger Einspänner, mit Verschlag für Jagdhunde … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
dogcart — [dôg′kärt΄] n. 1. a small, light cart drawn by dogs 2. a small, light, open 19th cent. carriage, usually with two wheels, having two seats arranged back to back: it originally had a box under the seat for a sportsman s dog … English World dictionary
Dogcart — This article is about horse drawn vehicles. For carts pulled by dogs, see Dogcart (dog drawn). A dogcart is a light horse drawn vehicle. There are several types: A one horse carriage, usually two wheeled and high, with two transverse seats set… … Wikipedia
Dogcart — Wagen mit Zugbügel Trainingswagen für mehrere Schlittenhunde Hundewagen oder Dog Carts sind heute im Bereich des Hundesports Sommer Trainingswagen für Hunde … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dogcart — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Un dogcart ou dog cart[1], du mot anglais signifiant charrette à chiens, est, à l origine, une petite voiture découverte, de fabrication britannique,… … Wikipédia en Français
Dogcart — Dọg|cart 〈m. 6〉 offener, zweirädriger Einspänner [engl., eigtl. „Hundewagen“] * * * Dog|cart [ dɔgkɑ:t], der; s, s [engl. dogcart, eigtl. = Hundekarren]: offener, zweirädriger Einspänner [für die Jagd] … Universal-Lexikon
Dogcart — Dog|cart [ dɔkart, engl. dɔgkɑ:t] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. dogcart, eigtl. »Hundekarren«> zweirädriger Einspänner [für die Jagd] … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Dogcart (dog-drawn) — This article is about carts pulled by dogs. For horse drawn vehicles, see Dogcart. A photochrom from the late 19th century showing two peddlers selling milk from a dogcart near Brussels, Belgium A dogcart is a cart pulled by one or more dogs. The … Wikipedia
dogcart — noun Date: 1668 1. a cart drawn by a dog 2. a light two wheeled carriage with two transverse seats set back to back … New Collegiate Dictionary
dogcart — /dawg kahrt , dog /, n. 1. a light, two wheeled, horse drawn vehicle for ordinary driving, with two transverse seats back to back, and originally having a box under the rear seat for carrying a dog. 2. a cart drawn by a dog or dogs. [1660 70; DOG … Universalium