dog-eared — a. 1. Having the corners of the leaves turned down and soiled by careless or long continued usage; said of a book; as, an old book with dog eared pages. Note: Making a page dog eared is sometimes done deliberately to mark a location in a book. [ … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dog-eared — dog′ eared or dog′eared adj. 1) having dog ears: a dog eared volume[/ex] 2) shabby; worn • Etymology: 1775–85 … From formal English to slang
dog-eared — [ˈdɔg ıəd US ˈdo:g ırd] adj dog eared books or papers have been used so much that the corners are turned over or torn ▪ a dog eared novel … Dictionary of contemporary English
dog-eared — [ dag ,ırd ] adjective a dog eared page or book has been used so much that the corners or edges have become damaged or torn … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dog-eared — If a book is dog eared, it is in bad condition, with torn pages, etc … The small dictionary of idiomes
dog-eared — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having worn or battered corners … English terms dictionary
dog-eared — adjective worn or shabby from overuse or (of pages) from having corners turned down a somewhat dog eared duke...a bit run down Clifton Fadiman an old book with dog eared pages • Syn: ↑eared • Similar to: ↑worn * * * adjective … Useful english dictionary
dog-eared — adjective Date: circa 1800 1. having dog ears < a dog eared book > 2. shabby, timeworn < a dog eared resort > < dog eared myths > … New Collegiate Dictionary
dog-eared — /dawg eard , dog /, adj. 1. having dog ears: a dog eared book. 2. shabby; worn: dog eared furniture. Also, dogeared. [1775 85] * * * … Universalium
dog-eared — adjective a) To be bent or slightly ragged in appearance in a manner like the ear of certain dogs. It implies that the page has been read a lot, but could be a sign of mistreatment: The pages in his favorite book were dog eared from years of… … Wiktionary
dog-eared — ADJ GRADED A book or piece of paper that is dog eared has been used so much that the corners of the pages are turned down or torn. eared copies of ancient history books … English dictionary