

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "documentaries" в других словарях:

  • Documentaries about Tiananmen Square — may refer to:*List of documentary films about the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 …   Wikipedia

  • documentaries — doc·u·men·ta·ry || ‚dÉ’kjÊŠ mentÉ™rɪ n. documentary film or television program, informational film or television program based on actual events adj. pertaining to or consisting of documents; relating to or using documentation in literature …   English contemporary dictionary

  • MSNBC Documentaries — Broadcast on MSNBC , each documentary is given its own title to broadcast under (e.g., Lockup: Return to Pelican Bay ) or has been produced under one of the titles below.Compared to competing networks, MSNBC airs documentaries on a daily basis… …   Wikipedia

  • Singapore gay documentaries — Past Restrictions= On 15 July 1996, the Singapore Broadcasting Authority (SBA) issued Notification no. 2400/96 which specified a Code of Practice which covered not only the Internet, but also all broadcast media, including television. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Victoria Wood As Seen On TV documentaries — Spoof mini documentaries that were part of the BBC television comedy sketch series Victoria Wood As Seen On TV . Usually lasting around five minutes, they dealt with such topics as a girl who wanted to swim the channel and an old man moving into… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Britannia documentaries — The Britannia series is a critically acclaimed[1][2] series of documentaries from BBC Four that began in 2005. The documentaries most often deal with the evolution of a music genre or other aspect of musical culture over a period of decades… …   Wikipedia

  • Filmworks XII: Three Documentaries — Filmworks XII:Three Documentaries Album par John Zorn Sortie Août 2002 Enregistrement Mars avril 2002 Compositeur John Zorn Producteur John Zorn Label …   Wikipédia en Français

  • List of Iraq War documentaries — This is a list of Iraq war related documentaries. * We Iraqis * Back to Babylon (film) * (2004) * (2005) * The Dreams of Sparrows (2005) * In the Shadow of the Palms (2005) * American Soldiers (2005) * Baghdad ER (HBO) (2006) * The Corporal s… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Documentaries — *by Alphabetical Order * * …   Wikipedia

  • Lists of directors and producers of documentaries — Africa= *Safi Faye *Sorious Samura, ( Cry Freetown , Return to Freetown , Exodus , Living with Hunger , Living with Refugees )Asia*Mikhail Vartanov (Armenia) *S.N. Padhaan *Rajeev Tripathi *Suma Josson *Anand Patwardhan *Artavazd Ashoti Peleshyan …   Wikipedia

  • documentary —    Documentaries are broadcast regularly on British television, despite persistent fears about their diminution in a competitive climate. They are found in regular series slots on most channels, their objects of study continuing to include… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

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