do one's fill
Смотреть что такое "do one's fill" в других словарях:
have one's fill of — To have enough of, esp something unpleasant or tiresome • • • Main Entry: ↑fill … Useful english dictionary
one's fill — as much as one wants or can bear. → fill … English new terms dictionary
have one's fill — {v. phr.} To be satisfied; be surfeited; be overindulged. * /Howard says he s had his fill of expensive golf tournaments in Europe./ … Dictionary of American idioms
have one's fill — {v. phr.} To be satisfied; be surfeited; be overindulged. * /Howard says he s had his fill of expensive golf tournaments in Europe./ … Dictionary of American idioms
have\ one's\ fill — v. phr. To be satisfied; be surfeited; be overindulged. Howard says he s had his fill of expensive golf tournaments in Europe … Словарь американских идиом
eat one's fill — eat as much as one wants, eat until hunger is satisfied, eat until one is full … English contemporary dictionary
drink one's fill — drink as much as one desires … English contemporary dictionary
eating one's fill — eating to the point where one can eat no more … English contemporary dictionary
fill — [fil] vt. [ME fillen, fullen < OE fyllan < Gmc * fulljan, to make full < * fulla (> Goth fulls, FULL1) + jan, caus. suffix] 1. a) to put as much as possible into; make full b) to put a considerable quantity of something into [to fill… … English World dictionary
fill — ► VERB 1) make or become full. 2) block up (a hole, gap, etc.). 3) appoint a person to hold (a vacant post). 4) hold and perform the duties of (a position or role). 5) occupy (time). ► NOUN (one s fill) ▪ … English terms dictionary
get one's fill — verb to be satisfied, to have enough of something … Wiktionary