do obeisance to
Смотреть что такое "do obeisance to" в других словарях:
Obeisance — O*bei sance, n. [F. ob[ e]issance obedience, fr. ob[ e]issant. See {Obey}, and cf. {Obedience}, {Abaisance}.] 1. Obedience. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. Deference or homage, or an expression of deference or respect; a bow; a curtsy. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obeisance / obsequious — Obeisance is respect and homage paid someone: Farina greeted the queen with sincere obeisance. Obsequiousness is submissiveness and an eagerness to obey: The obsequiousness of the waiter made them roll their eyes … Confused words
obeisance / obsequious — Obeisance is respect and homage paid someone: Farina greeted the queen with sincere obeisance. Obsequiousness is submissiveness and an eagerness to obey: The obsequiousness of the waiter made them roll their eyes … Confused words
obeisance — index conformity (obedience), homage, honor (outward respect), prostration, respect Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
obeisance — (n.) late 14c., act or fact of obeying, from O.Fr. obeissance obedience (13c.), from obeissant, prp. of obeir obey, from L. oboedire (see OBEY (Cf. obey)). Sense in English altered late 14c. to bending or prostration of the body as a gesture of… … Etymology dictionary
obeisance — deference, homage, *honor, reverence Analogous words: allegiance, fealty, loyalty, *fidelity: respect, esteem, *regard: veneration, reverence (see under REVERE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
obeisance — means ‘homage, submission’, and is pronounced oh bay sǝns … Modern English usage
obeisance — [n] salutation allegiance, bending of the knee*, bow, curtsy, deference, fealty, genuflection, homage, honor, kowtow*, loyalty, praise, respect, reverence, salaam*; concepts 154,384 Ant. bad manners, disobedience, disregard, disrespect … New thesaurus
obeisance — ► NOUN 1) deferential respect or homage. 2) a gesture expressing this, such as a bow. DERIVATIVES obeisant adjective. ORIGIN Old French obeissance, from obeir obey … English terms dictionary
obeisance — [ō bā′səns, ōbē′səns] n. [ME obeisaunce < OFr obeissance < obeissant, prp. of obeir,OBEY] 1. a gesture of respect or reverence, such as a bow or curtsy 2. the attitude shown by this; homage; deference obeisant adj … English World dictionary
obeisance — noun Etymology: Middle English obeisaunce obedience, obeisance, from Anglo French obeisance, from obeissant, present participle of obeir to obey Date: 14th century 1. a movement of the body made in token of respect or submission ; bow 2.… … New Collegiate Dictionary