do a sum
Смотреть что такое "do a sum" в других словарях:
Sum 41 — Sum 41 … Википедия
Sum 41 (Панк-группа) — Sum 41 Текущий состав группы: Коун, Стив, Дерик. Клуб Oxygen 2008 год Годы 1996 по настоящее время Страна … Википедия
Sum 41 — Datos generales Origen Ajax, Ontario, Canadá … Wikipedia Español
Sum 41 — lors du West Palm Beach Warped Tour, en 2010 Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Sum — Sum, n. [OE. summe, somme, OF. sume, some, F. somme, L. summa, fr. summus highest, a superlative from sub under. See {Sub }, and cf. {Supreme}.] 1. The aggregate of two or more numbers, magnitudes, quantities, or particulars; the amount or whole… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sum 41 - All The Good Shit — All The Good Shit Album par Sum 41 Sortie 17 mars 2009 Enregistrement 2000 2008 à Los Angeles … Wikipédia en Français
Sum Elai-Mang — (Hindko:هندکو) or Sum is a village/state in Sirran Valley,Mansehra District, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan.It was ruled by Haroon Khan Badshah who was known as “Badshah Khan”. Sum is blessed with a lot of natural beauty which comprises… … Wikipedia
sum — [sum; ] for n. 6 [ so͞om] n. [ME somme < MFr < L summa, fem. of summus, highest, superl. < base of super: see SUPER ] 1. an amount of money [a sum paid in reparation] 2. the whole amount; totality; aggregate [the sum of our experience] 3 … English World dictionary
Sum of squares — is a concept that permeates much of inferential statistics and descriptive statistics. More properly, it is the sum of the squared deviations . Mathematically, it is an unscaled, or unadjusted measure of dispersion (also called variability). When … Wikipedia
Sum rule — may refer to: *Sum rule in differentiation *Sum rule in integration *Rule of sum, a counting principle in combinatorics *Sum rule in quantum mechanics *in quantum field theory, a sum rule is a property of the sum of the scattering probability… … Wikipedia
Sum (Mongolie) — Sum (district) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sum. Mongolie Cet article fait partie de la série sur la … Wikipédia en Français