do a bad job
Смотреть что такое "do a bad job" в других словарях:
bad job — index maladministration Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
bad job — bad work, inferior quality work; bad occupation, undesirable profession … English contemporary dictionary
make the best of a bad job — (informal) To do the best one can in unfavourable circumstances • • • Main Entry: ↑bad make the best of a bad job To do one s best in difficult circumstances • • • Main Entry: ↑job * * * make the best of a bad job british informal … Useful english dictionary
give something up as a bad job — To abandon a task, etc as impossible or not worthwhile • • • Main Entry: ↑job * * * give something up as a bad job british informal phrase to stop doing something because you do not think you will ever succeed I tried to mend the bike myself, but … Useful english dictionary
give something up as a bad job — give (something) up as a bad job to stop doing something because you do not feel it is worth continuing. After three attempts to explain the joke I gave it up as a bad job … New idioms dictionary
give up as a bad job — give (something) up as a bad job to stop doing something because you do not feel it is worth continuing. After three attempts to explain the joke I gave it up as a bad job … New idioms dictionary
a bad job — see ↑job • • • Main Entry: ↑bad … Useful english dictionary
make a bad job of (doing) something — make a good/bad/job of (doing) something british phrase to do something well or badly He made a terrible job of cutting my hair. Thesaurus: to do something well or better than someone elsesynonym to make a mistake, or to do something badly … Useful english dictionary
make the best of a bad job — British informal to accept a bad situation and deal with it in the best way that you can They re not going to change their minds, so we ve got to make the best of a bad job. • See: make the best of it … English dictionary
give something up as a bad job — verb To cease a task that has a history of failure and little chance of immediate success. After hours of trying, he eventually gave it up as a bad job … Wiktionary
give something up as a bad job — British informal to stop doing something because you do not think you will ever succeed I tried to mend the bike myself, but in the end gave it up as a bad job … English dictionary