- divisionism
- получение цветовых эффектов сочетанием точечных мазков;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
divisionism — [di vi sioniz΄əm] n. POINTILLISM divisionist n., adj … English World dictionary
Divisionism — Charles Blanc’s color wheel, which was influential in divisionist theory Divisionism (also called Chromoluminarism) was the characteristic style in Neo Impressionist painting defined by the separation of colors into individual dots or patches… … Wikipedia
divisionism — divisionist, n., adj. /di vizh euh niz euhm/, n. (sometimes cap.) pointillism. [1900 05; DIVISION + ISM] * * * ▪ art in painting, the practice of separating colour into individual dots or strokes of pigment. It formed the technical basis… … Universalium
divisionism — noun Usage: often capitalized Date: 1901 pointillism • divisionist noun or adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
divisionism — noun In art, the use of small areas of color to construct an image. Syn: pointillism … Wiktionary
divisionism — n. pointillism, painting technique developed by the neoimpressionists and characterized by the juxtaposition of dots of pure color in a way that creates the appearance of blending … English contemporary dictionary
divisionism — A system of painting in small dots of color placed in relation to each other based on certain color theories. Also see neo impressionism, pointillism, and Segantini stitch … Glossary of Art Terms
divisionism — noun another term for pointillism … English new terms dictionary
divisionism — di·vi·sion·ism … English syllables
divisionism — /dəˈvɪʒənɪzəm/ (say duh vizhuhnizuhm) noun → pointillism …
divisionism — zhəˌnizəm noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized 1. : the theory or practice of breaking color in painting compare neo impressionism 2. : the neo impressionist use of small strokes or dots of pure color juxtaposed on a canvas compare … Useful english dictionary