- division unit
- устройство деления, делительное устройство
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Unit 731 — The Unit 731 complex Location Pingfang Coordinates … Wikipedia
Unit identification aircraft markings — Unit identification aircraft markings, commonly called tail markings after their most frequent location, were numbers, letters, geometric symbols, and colors painted onto the tails (vertical stabilizer fins), wings, or fuselages of the combat… … Wikipedia
Division — may refer to: Contents 1 Mathematics 2 Science 3 Society 4 … Wikipedia
division — [də vizh′ən] n. [ME divisioun < L divisio < divisus, pp. of dividere] 1. a dividing or being divided; separation 2. a sharing or apportioning; distribution 3. a difference of opinion; disagreement 4. a separation into groups in voting 5.… … English World dictionary
division — I (act of dividing) noun allocation, allotment, apportionment, breaking, breakup, cleavage, cut, cutting, departmentalization, detachment, disaccord, disagreement, disassociation, disbandment, disconnection, discord, disengagement, disharmony,… … Law dictionary
Division blindée des Guards — Sherman Mark V (M4A4) du 2nd Armd Bn Grenadier Guards conservé à l Imperial War Museum. Période 17 … Wikipédia en Français
Unit Colour Patch — Unit Colour Patches (or simply known as Colour Patches) are worn on the Slouch Hat in the Australian Army to indicate which unit they are from. While some are recent creations many date back to World War I, when on 8 March, 1915 1 Division Order… … Wikipedia
Division — Division of function. See also EVA and ECA. An organisational unit of a financial institution. For example the Corporate Banking Division or the European Division … International financial encyclopaedia
division — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of dividing. 2) each of the parts into which something is divided. 3) a major unit or section of an organization. 4) a number of teams or competitors grouped together in a sport for competitive purposes. 5) a… … English terms dictionary
División de Informaciones — is a defunct Argentine intelligence agency created by Juan Perón to work within the National Presidential Office. Its director was Rodolfo Freude. It collaborated in the smuggling of Nazi war criminals to Argentina in what became known as… … Wikipedia
unit — I (department) noun branch, division, group, staff II (item) noun ace, component, constituent, element, formation, integral, measure, monad, one, part, piece, quantity III index band … Law dictionary