division device

division device
делительное устройство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "division device" в других словарях:

  • Device — De*vice , n. [OE. devis, devise, will, intention, opinion, invention, fr. F. devis architect s plan and estimates (in OF., division, plan, wish), devise device (in sense 3), in OF. also, division, wish, last will, fr. deviser. See {Devise}, v. t …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • device — late 13c., from O.Fr. devis division, separation, disposition, wish, desire; coat of arms, emblem; last will, from deviser to divide, distribute (see DEVISE (Cf. devise)). Sense of method by which something is divided arose in French and led to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • device — [di vīs′] n. [ME & OFr devis, division, will < OFr deviser: see DEVISE] 1. a thing devised; plan; scheme, esp. a sly or underhanded scheme; trick 2. an invention or contrivance, esp. a mechanical one, for some specific purpose 3. something… …   English World dictionary

  • device — deviceful, adj. devicefully, adv. devicefulness, n. /di vuys /, n. 1. a thing made for a particular purpose; an invention or contrivance, esp. a mechanical or electrical one. 2. a plan or scheme for effecting a purpose. 3. a crafty scheme; trick …   Universalium

  • device — [13] A device is something which has been devised – which, etymologically speaking, amounts to ‘something which has been divided’. For ultimately devise and divide come from the same source. The noun device comes in the first instance from Old… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • device — [13] A device is something which has been devised – which, etymologically speaking, amounts to ‘something which has been divided’. For ultimately devise and divide come from the same source. The noun device comes in the first instance from Old… …   Word origins

  • device — de|vice W2 [dıˈvaıs] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: devis, devise division, plan , from deviser to divide, tell ; DEVISE] 1.) a machine or tool that does a special job = ↑gadget ▪ modern labour saving devices device for doing sth …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • device — /dəˈvaɪs / (say duh vuys) noun 1. an invention or contrivance. 2. a plan or scheme for effecting a purpose. 3. a crafty scheme; a trick. 4. an artistic figure or design used as a heraldic bearing (often accompanied by a motto), or as an emblem,… …  

  • Division (music) — For the rhythmic level dividing the pulse, see Beat (music). A theme and some possible divisions Division in music refers to a type of ornamentation or variation common in 16th and 17th century music [1] in which each note of a melodic line is… …   Wikipedia

  • device — noun Etymology: Middle English devis, devise, from Anglo French, division, plan, from deviser to divide, regulate, tell more at devise Date: 14th century 1. something devised or contrived: as a. (1) plan, procedure, technique …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • device — de•vice [[t]dɪˈvaɪs[/t]] n. 1) a thing made for a particular purpose, esp. a mechanical, electric, or electronic invention or contrivance 2) a plan, scheme, or procedure for effecting a purpose 3) a crafty scheme; trick 4) lit. a word pattern,… …   From formal English to slang

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