divisible group

divisible group
1) делимая группа
2) группа с (неограниченным) делением
3) полная группа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "divisible group" в других словарях:

  • Divisible group — In mathematics, especially in the field of group theory, a divisible group is an abelian group in which every element can, in some sense, be divided by positive integers, or more accurately, every element is an nth multiple for each positive… …   Wikipedia

  • Group (mathematics) — This article covers basic notions. For advanced topics, see Group theory. The possible manipulations of this Rubik s Cube form a group. In mathematics, a group is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with an operation that combines …   Wikipedia

  • Group homomorphism — In mathematics, given two groups ( G , *) and ( H , ·), a group homomorphism from ( G , *) to ( H , ·) is a function h : G → H such that for all u and v in G it holds that: h(u*v) = h(u) h(v) where the group operation on the left hand side of the …   Wikipedia

  • Group of Lie type — In mathematics, a group of Lie type G(k) is a (not necessarily finite) group of rational points of a reductive linear algebraic group G with values in the field k. Finite groups of Lie type form the bulk of nonabelian finite simple groups.… …   Wikipedia

  • divisible — divisibleness, n. divisibly, adv. /di viz euh beuhl/, adj. 1. capable of being divided. 2. Math. a. capable of being evenly divided, without remainder. b. of or pertaining to a group in which given any element and any integer, there is a second… …   Universalium

  • divisible — di•vis•i•ble [[t]dɪˈvɪz ə bəl[/t]] adj. 1) capable of being divided 2) math. a) capable of being evenly divided, without remainder b) of or pertaining to a group in which given any element and any integer, there is a second element that when… …   From formal English to slang

  • Abelian group — For other uses, see Abelian (disambiguation). Abelian group is also an archaic name for the symplectic group Concepts in group theory category of groups subgroups, normal subgroups group homomorphisms, kernel, image, quotient direct product,… …   Wikipedia

  • Groupe divisible — En mathématiques, et plus particulièrement en théorie des groupes, un groupe abélien divisible est un groupe abélien G tel que, pour tout nombre naturel , on ait (en notation additive) G = nG. Ceci revient à dire que pour tout élément x de G et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Barsotti–Tate group — In algebraic geometry, Barsotti–Tate groups or p divisible groups are similar to the points of order a power of p on an abelian variety in characteristic p. They were introduced by Barsotti (1962) under the name equidimensional hyperdomain and by …   Wikipedia

  • Circle group — For the jazz group, see Circle (jazz band). Lie groups …   Wikipedia

  • Cotorsion group — In mathematics, in the realm of abelian group theory, an abelian group is said to be cotorsion if every extension of it by a torsion free group splits. If the group is C, this is equivalent to asserting that Ext(G,C) = 0 for all torsion free… …   Wikipedia

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