
dɪˈvɪnɪtɪ сущ.
1) а) божественность б) (олицетворение божественности) божество;
небесное создание Syn : deity, godhead
2) богословие, теология Syn : theology божественность божество;
Бог богословие, теология - * course курс богословия - Doctor of D. доктор богословия факультет богословия (тж. * school) divinity богословие ~ богословский факультет ~ божественность ~ божество;
небесное создание

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "divinity" в других словарях:

  • Divinity — Di*vin i*ty, n.; pl. {Divinities}. [F. divinit[ e], L. divinitas. See {Divine}, a.] 1. The state of being divine; the nature or essence of God; deity; godhead. [1913 Webster] When he attributes divinity to other things than God, it is only a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • divinity — ► NOUN (pl. divinities) 1) the state or quality of being divine. 2) a divine being. 3) (the Divinity) God. 4) the study of religion; theology …   English terms dictionary

  • divinity — [də vin′ə tē] n. pl. divinities [ME & OFr divinite < L divinitas < divinus] 1. the quality or condition of being divine 2. a divine being; a god; deity 3. a divine power, virtue, etc. 4. the study of religion; theology ☆ 5. a soft, creamy… …   English World dictionary

  • divinity — c.1300, science of divine things; late 14c., quality of being divine, also a divine being, from O.Fr. devinité (12c.), from L. divinitatem (nom. divinitas), from divinus (see DIVINE (Cf. divine)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • divinity — [n] absolute being; divine nature celestial, deity, genius, god, goddess, godhead, godhood, godliness, godship, guardian spirit, higher power, holiness, lord, prime mover, sanc tity, spirit; concepts 368,370 Ant. devil, evil …   New thesaurus

  • Divinity — For other uses, see Divinity (disambiguation) and Divine (disambiguation). Divinity and divine (sometimes the Divinity or the Divine ) are broadly applied but loosely defined terms, used variously within different faiths and belief systems … …   Wikipedia

  • divinity — [[t]dɪvɪ̱nɪti[/t]] divinities 1) N UNCOUNT Divinity is the study of religion. He entered Otago University to study arts and divinity. Syn: theology 2) N UNCOUNT: oft with poss Divinity is the quality of being divine. ...a lasting faith in the… …   English dictionary

  • Divinity —  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Divinity (Espagne).  Divinity Album par The Gun Club Genre Rock …   Wikipédia en Français

  • divinity — noun 1) they denied Christ s divinity Syn: divine nature, godliness, deity, godhead, holiness 2) the study of divinity Syn: theology, religious studies, religion, scripture 3) a female divin …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • divinity —    This word (from the Latin divus, meaning god or deity ) has different meanings: (1) the supreme being, for example, the divinity created the world; (2) the quality of being divine, for example, belief in the divinity of Christ; and (3) the… …   Glossary of theological terms

  • divinity — /di vin i tee/, n., pl. divinities. 1. the quality of being divine; divine nature. 2. deity; godhood. 3. a divine being; God. 4. the Divinity, (sometimes l.c.) the Deity. 5. a being having divine attributes, ranking below God but above humans:… …   Universalium

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