Смотреть что такое "diving-suit" в других словарях:
diving suit — ► NOUN ▪ a watertight suit, typically with a helmet and an air supply, worn for working or exploring deep under water … English terms dictionary
diving suit — ☆ diving suit n. a heavy, waterproof garment covering the body, worn by divers working underwater: it has a detachable helmet into which air is pumped through a hose … English World dictionary
Diving suit — Two divers, one wearing a 1 atmosphere diving suit and the other standard diving dress, preparing to explore the wreck of the RMS Lusitania, 1935 A diving suit is a garment or device designed to protect a diver from the underwater environment.… … Wikipedia
diving suit — specialized suit worn for diving underwater, scuba diving suit, scuba gear … English contemporary dictionary
diving-suit — skafandras statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Hermetiška naro, lakūno, kosmonauto apranga, garantuojanti jo gyvybinę veiklą labai sudėtingomis sąlygomis. kilmė gr. skaphē – valtis + anēr, kilm. andros – vyras atitikmenys: angl.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
diving suit — any of various waterproof garments for underwater swimming or diving, esp. one that is weighted, hermetically sealed, and supplied with air under pressure through a hose attached to a removable helmet. [1905 10] * * * watertight costume for… … Universalium
diving suit — div′ing suit n. spo any of various waterproof garments for underwater swimming or diving, esp. one that is weighted, hermetically sealed, and supplied with air under pressure • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
diving suit — /ˈdaɪvɪŋ sut/ (say duyving sooht) noun a watertight garment, consisting of a rubber or metal body covering and a helmet with an air supply line attached, worn by divers. Also, diving dress …
diving suit — noun a weighted and hermetically sealed garment supplied with air; worn by underwater divers • Syn: ↑diving dress • Hypernyms: ↑protective garment … Useful english dictionary
diving suit — noun Date: 1908 a waterproof suit with a removable helmet that is worn by a diver who is supplied with air pumped through a tube … New Collegiate Dictionary
diving suit — noun a watertight suit, typically with a helmet and an air supply, worn for working or exploring deep under water … English new terms dictionary