divine justice
Смотреть что такое "divine justice" в других словарях:
Divine justice (disambiguation) — Divine Justice may refer to: An attribute of God A theological concept akin to the philosophical divine command theory Divine Justice, a novel by David Baldacci. Advent of Divine Justice, a Bahá í text. See also Judgement day … Wikipedia
Advent of Divine Justice — The Advent of Divine Justice is a letter written December 25, 1938 to the Bahá ís of the United States and Canada, by Shoghi Effendi, describing the role of America in establishing the Most Great Peace.The book is about the destiny of America and … Wikipedia
justice — [ ʒystis ] n. f. • 1080; lat. justitia 1 ♦ Juste appréciation, reconnaissance et respect des droits et du mérite de chacun. ⇒ droiture, équité, impartialité, intégrité, probité. Agir avec justice. « La justice est le respect de la dignité humaine … Encyclopédie Universelle
justice — noun 1 fairness ADJECTIVE ▪ distributive, economic, environmental, natural, racial (esp. AmE), social ▪ rough ▪ He saw it as rough … Collocations dictionary
JUSTICE — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Justice (homonymie). Avertissement : cet article traite principalement de la conception occidentale de la justice qui a tendance à se généraliser au XXIe siècle … Wikipédia en Français
Justice — is the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, fairness and equity. A conception of justice is one of the key features of society. Theories of justice vary greatly, but there is evidence that everyday views of… … Wikipedia
Divine Chocolate — Limited, formerly the Day Chocolate Company, is a manufacturer of Fairtrade chocolate products in the United Kingdom and the United States. It was established in the UK in 1998 as a partnership between the Kuapa Kokoo cocoa growers collective and … Wikipedia
Divine Providence — Divine Providence † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Divine Providence (Lat., Providentia; Greek, pronoia). Providence in general, or foresight, is a function of the virtue of prudence, and may be defined as the practical reason, adapting… … Catholic encyclopedia
JUSTICE SOCIALE — L’égalité, les inégalités, la justice sociale sont à l’origine d’interrogations, de constats et d’exigences qui s’inscrivent dans une longue tradition de pensée. Le débat sur le juste a eu pour cadre premier la cité antique. Il a pris une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
JUSTICE — has widely been said to be the moral value which singularly characterizes Judaism both conceptually and historically. Historically, the Jewish search for justice begins with biblical statements like Justice (Heb. ẓedek), justice shall ye pursue… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Justice at the Gate — is an evangelical Christian political organization that advertises itself as building the partnerships to mobilize Christians to pray effectively and vote righteously. It is currently based in Texas.Justice at the Gate sponsors prayer… … Wikipedia