divider compass
Смотреть что такое "divider compass" в других словарях:
divider — ► NOUN 1) (also room divider) a screen or piece of furniture that divides a room into two parts. 2) (dividers) a measuring compass, especially one with a screw for making fine adjustments … English terms dictionary
divider — /di vuy deuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that divides. 2. dividers, a pair of compasses, as used for dividing lines, measuring, etc. 3. a partition between two areas or dividing one area into two, as a piece of cardboard in a box or a bookcase… … Universalium
divider — noun 1》 (also room divider) a screen or piece of furniture that divides a room into two parts. 2》 (dividers) a measuring compass, especially one with a screw for making fine adjustments … English new terms dictionary
divider — noun a) An object that separates. b) A device resembling a drawing compass and used to transfer measurements of length … Wiktionary
divider — n. 1 a screen, piece of furniture, etc., dividing a room into two parts. 2 (in pl.) a measuring compass, esp. with a screw for setting small intervals … Useful english dictionary
Hair divider — Hair Hair (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r; akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r, Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.] 1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hair compass — Hair Hair (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r; akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r, Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.] 1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bow divider — noun : a bow compass with two divider points * * * /boh/ a bow compass, each leg of which terminates in a needle, used to transfer measurements from one area of a drawing to another … Useful english dictionary
bow divider — /boh/ a bow compass, each leg of which terminates in a needle, used to transfer measurements from one area of a drawing to another. * * * … Universalium
caliper compass — noun : a divider or a hermaphrodite caliper … Useful english dictionary
hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… … Universalium