- dividend-warrant
- ˈdɪvɪdendˌwɔrənt сущ. сертификат на получение дивиденда процентный купон (в Англии) свидетельство на получение дивиденда dividend-warrant сертификат на получение дивиденда
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
dividend warrant — ➔ warrant1 * * * dividend warrant UK }} US }} noun [C] UK ► FINANCE DIVIDEND CHEQUE(Cf. ↑dividend cheque) … Financial and business terms
dividend warrant — noun an order of payment (such as a check payable to a shareholder) in which a dividend is paid • Hypernyms: ↑draft, ↑bill of exchange, ↑order of payment * * * noun : an order (as a check payable to a shareholder) in which a dividend is paid * *… … Useful english dictionary
dividend warrant — A warrant or order on a corporation treasury for the amount of a stockholder s dividend … Ballentine's law dictionary
dividend warrant — /ˌdɪvɪdend wɒrənt/ noun a cheque which makes payment of a dividend (NOTE: The US term is dividend check.) … Dictionary of banking and finance
dividend warrant — certificate stating one s dividend (financial return; individual share of something distributed) … English contemporary dictionary
dividend warrant — /ˈdɪvədɛnd wɒrənt/ (say divuhdend woruhnt) noun an order issued by a company in favour of a shareholder for payment of the dividend due …
dividend warrant — The cheque issued by a UK company to its shareholders when paying dividends. It states the tax deducted and the net amount paid. This document must be sent by non taxpayers to the Inland Revenue when claiming back the tax … Accounting dictionary
dividend warrant — The cheque issued by a company to its shareholders when paying dividends It states the tax deducted and the net amount paid … Big dictionary of business and management
dividend cheque — UK US UK (US dividend check) noun [C] (also dividend warrant) ► FINANCE a cheque (= printed form for making a payment from a bank account) paying someone a dividend on their shares: »Dividend cheques are valid for one year from the date on the… … Financial and business terms
dividend check — ˈdividend ˌcheck noun [countable] FINANCE the American word for dividend warrant … Financial and business terms
warrant — (1) An order drawn by a payor directing its treasurer to pay a specified amount to the person named or to the bearer. It may be payable upon demand, in which case it usually circulates in the same way as a bank check; or it may be payable only… … Financial and business terms