dividend per share
Смотреть что такое "dividend per share" в других словарях:
dividend per share — ˌdividend per ˈshare written abbreviation Div/Share, DPS noun [countable] FINANCE the dividend paid out by a company for each of its shares: • KDD pays a 25 yen dividend per share, a 0.2% yield on Thursday s closing price of 12,200 yen. * * *… … Financial and business terms
Dividend Per Share - DPS — The the sum of declared dividends for every ordinary share issued. Dividend per share (DPS) is the total dividends paid out over an entire year (including interim dividends but not including special dividends) divided by the number of outstanding … Investment dictionary
dividend per share — /ˌdɪvɪdend pə ʃeə/ noun an amount of money paid as dividend for each share held … Dictionary of banking and finance
gross dividend per share — /grəυs ˌdɪvɪdend pə ʃeə/ noun the dividend per share paid before tax is deducted … Dictionary of banking and finance
net dividend per share — /net ˌdɪvɪi dend pə ʃeə/ noun the dividend per share after deduction of personal income tax … Dictionary of banking and finance
gross dividend per share — The total of the gross dividends paid by a company in a year divided by the total number of ordinary shares on which the dividend is paid … Accounting dictionary
dividends per share — dividend paid for the past 12 months divided by the number of common shares outstanding, as reported by a company. The number of shares often is determined by a weighted average of shares outstanding over the reporting term. Bloomberg Financial… … Financial and business terms
dividend cover — The number of times the dividend per share can be divided into the earnings per share (that is, the number of times a company could pay its recent dividend out of its net profit). Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international… … Law dictionary
Diluted Normalized Earnings Per Share — A company s profit less one time earnings, divided by both outstanding common stock and stock owed if convertible securities were to be exercised. Diluted normalized EPS is different than regular earnings per share (EPS) because it takes into… … Investment dictionary
cents per share — The amount of a mutual fund s dividend or capital gains distributions that a shareholder will receive for each share> owned. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Dividend yield — The dividend yield or the dividend price ratio on a company stock is the company s total annual dividend payments divided by its market capitalization, or the dividend per share, divided by the price per share. It is often expressed as a… … Wikipedia