divided cap

divided cap
разрезная чаша

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "divided cap" в других словарях:

  • Cap Cana — is located in the Eastern region of the Dominican Republic known as Juanillo. The site was founded as a new and more ambitious touristic site with contributions from international investors and strategic partners such as Ritz Carlton, Sotogrande …   Wikipedia

  • Cap de Formentor — forms the eastern end of Majorca s Formentor peninsula. The Majorcans also call the cape the Meeting point of the winds .LocationCap de Formentor is a spectacular bluff, located on the northernmost point of the Balaeric Island Majorca. Its… …   Wikipedia

  • Cap Gemini SDM — (Software Development Methodology) is a project management system developed by Dutch software company PANDATA in 1970. The project is divided in several phase s that have a clear start and end. Each phase delivers (sub)products, called milestones …   Wikipedia

  • Salary cap — In professional sports, a salary cap (or wage cap) is a cartel agreement between teams that places a limit on the amount of money that can be spent on player salaries. The limit exists as a per player limit or a total limit for the team s roster …   Wikipedia

  • Student cap — In various European countries, student caps of different types are or have been worn, either as a marker of a common identity, as is the case in the Nordic countries, or to identify the bearer as member of a smaller corporation within the larger… …   Wikipedia

  • NHL salary cap — The NHL Salary Cap is the limit to the total amount of money that National Hockey League teams are allowed to pay their players and uses a hard cap, meaning there are no luxury taxes or exemptions. The actual amount of the cap varies on a year to …   Wikipedia

  • Cervical cap — This article is about the contraceptive device. For devices used to help achieve pregnancy, see conception device. Cervical cap Oves brand cervical cap (discontinued) Background Birth control type …   Wikipedia

  • Cut, Cap and Balance Act — The proposed Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011 (or HR 2560[1]) was a bill put forward in the 112th United States Congress by Republicans during the 2011 U.S. debt ceiling crisis. The provisions of the bill included a cut in the total amount of… …   Wikipedia

  • A feather in the cap — Feather Feath er (f[e^][th] [ e]r), n. [OE. fether, AS. fe[eth]er; akin to D. veder, OHG. fedara, G. feder, Icel. fj[ o][eth]r, Sw. fj[ a]der, Dan. fj[ae]der, Gr. ptero n wing, feather, pe tesqai to fly, Skr. pattra wing, feather, pat to fly, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Graduated cap — Graduated Grad u*a ted, a. 1. Marked with, or divided into, degrees; divided into grades. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Tapered; said of a bird s tail when the outer feathers are shortest, and the others successively longer. [1913 Webster] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Half cap — Half Half (h[aum]f), a. [AS. healf, half, half; as a noun, half, side, part; akin to OS., OFries., & D. half, G. halb, Sw. half, Dan. halv, Icel. h[=a]lfr, Goth. halbs. Cf. {Halve}, {Behalf}.] 1. Consisting of a moiety, or half; as, a half… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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