
dɪˈvænbed сущ. кушетка Syn : couch n кушетка divan-bed кушетка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "divan-bed" в других словарях:

  • divan bed — noun an armless couch; a seat by day and a bed by night • Syn: ↑daybed • Hypernyms: ↑sofa, ↑couch, ↑lounge …   Useful english dictionary

  • divan — [[t]dɪvæ̱n, AM da͟ɪvæn[/t]] divans 1) N COUNT A divan or divan bed is a bed that has a thick base under the mattress. [BRIT] 2) N COUNT A divan is a long soft seat that has no back or arms …   English dictionary

  • bed — [n1] furniture for sleeping bassinet, bedstead, berth, bunk, chaise, cot, couch, cradle, crib, davenport, divan, mattress, pallet, platform, sack, trundle; concept 443 bed [n2] patch of ground for planting area, border, frame, garden, piece, plot …   New thesaurus

  • divan — ► NOUN 1) a bed consisting of a base and mattress but no footboard or headboard. 2) a long, low sofa without a back or arms. ORIGIN originally denoting a legislative body, council chamber, or court in the Middle East: from Persian, bench, court …   English terms dictionary

  • bed — bedless, adj. bedlike, adj. /bed/, n., v., bedded, bedding. n. 1. a piece of furniture upon which or within which a person sleeps, rests, or stays when not well. 2. the mattress and bedclothes together with the bedstead of a bed. 3. the bedstead… …   Universalium

  • Divan (furniture) — For other uses, see divan (disambiguation). A divan (Turkish divan, originally from Persian devan[1]) is a piece of couch like sitting furniture; or in the UK, a box spring based bed …   Wikipedia

  • divan — divan1 /di van , vahn / or, esp. for 1, /duy van/, n. 1. a sofa or couch, usually without arms or back, often usable as a bed. 2. a long, cushioned seat, usually without arms or back, placed against a wall, as in Oriental countries. 3. a council… …   Universalium

  • Bed — A bed audio2|En us bed.ogg is a piece of furniture (or a location) primarily used as a place to sleep, and often used for relaxation.To make beds more comfortable, a mattress is usually placed on top of it. The second layer is the box spring… …   Wikipedia

  • bed — noun 1) she got into her bed Syn: cot, cradle, crib, berth; brass bed, bunk bed, camp bed, canopy bed, captain s bed, daybed, featherbed; trademark Hide A Bed, Murphy bed, sofa bed, spool bed, trundle bed, waterbed, d …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • divan — n. 1 a a long, low, padded seat set against a room wall; a backless sofa. b a bed consisting of a base and mattress, usu. with no board at either end. 2 an oriental State legislative body, council chamber, or court of justice. 3 archaic a a cigar …   Useful english dictionary

  • divan — UK [dɪˈvæn] / US noun [countable] Word forms divan : singular divan plural divans 1) a bed consisting of a mattress on a solid base 2) a long comfortable seat with no back or arms for two or more people …   English dictionary

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