- dithyramb
- ˈdɪθɪræmb сущ. дифирамб дифирамб (гимн в честь бога Диониса) (книжное) дифирамб, восхваление, хвала dithyramb дифирамб
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dithyramb — Dith y*ramb, n. [L. dithyrambus, Gr. ? a kind of lyric poetry in honor of Bacchus; also, a name of Bacchus; of unknown origin: cf. F. dithyrambe.] A kind of lyric poetry in honor of Bacchus, usually sung by a band of revelers to a flute… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dithyramb — англ. [ди/тирэм] dithyrambe фр. [дитира/нб], нем. [дитира/мбэ] ditirambo ит. [дитира/мбо] дифирамб … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
dithyramb — c.1600, from L. dithyrambus, from Gk. dithyrambos, of unknown origin, perhaps a pre Hellenic loan word. A wild choric hymn, originally in honor of Dionysus or Bacchus. Related: Dithyrambic … Etymology dictionary
dithyramb — [dith′ə ram΄; ] also [, dith′ramb΄] n. [L dithyrambus < Gr dithyrambos] 1. in ancient Greece, an impassioned choric hymn in honor of Dionysus 2. any extravagantly emotional speech or writing dithyrambic [dith΄ə ram΄bik, dith΄ramb′bik] adj., n … English World dictionary
Dithyramb — Attic relief (4th century BCE) depicting an aulos player and his family standing before Dionysos and a female consort, with theatrical masks displayed above. The dithyramb (διθύραμβος – dithurambos) was an ancient Greek hymn sung and danced in… … Wikipedia
dithyramb — /dith euh ram , ramb /, n. 1. a Greek choral song or chant of vehement or wild character and of usually irregular form, originally in honor of Dionysus or Bacchus. 2. any poem or other composition having similar characteristics, as an impassioned … Universalium
dithyramb — noun a) A choral hymn sung in ancient Athens in honor of the god Dionysus. While those who drown a truth’s empiric part b) A poem or oration in the same style. In dithyramb or dogma turn frenetic; … Wiktionary
dithyramb — noun (plural dithyrambs) Etymology: Greek dithyrambos Date: circa 1647 1. a usually short poem in an inspired wild irregular strain 2. a statement or writing in an exalted or enthusiastic vein • dithyrambic … New Collegiate Dictionary
DITHYRAMB — a hymn in a lofty and vehement style, originally in honour of Bacchus, in celebration of his sorrows and joys, and accompanied with flute music … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
dithyramb — dith·y·ramb || dɪθɪræmb n. wildly enthusiastic speech; passionate hymn … English contemporary dictionary
dithyramb — [ dɪθɪram(b)] noun a wildly ecstatic choral hymn of ancient Greece, especially one dedicated to the god Dionysus. ↘a passionate or inflated speech, poem, or text. Derivatives dithyrambic adjective Origin C17: via L. from Gk dithurambos … English new terms dictionary