- disputers
- Disputers
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
disputers — n. arguer, debater, challenger … English contemporary dictionary
Xun Zi — (zh tspw|t=荀子|s=荀子|p=Xún Zǐ|w=Hsün Tzu, ca. 300–230 BCE) was a Chinese Confucian philosopher who lived during the Warring States Period and contributed to one of the Hundred Schools of Thought. Xún Zǐ believed man s inborn tendencies need to be… … Wikipedia
Jing (Chinese medicine) — Jing (TCM)This article is part of the philosophy of CAM and Traditional Chinese medicine series of articles. Jīng (zh c|c=精; Wade Giles: ching1) is the Chinese word for essence , specifically kidney essence. Along with qì and shén, it is… … Wikipedia
Thagirion — is the Qliphoth associated with the Sephirot Tipheret in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It means the disputers, the painful movers, and the demons called the Zomiel are attributed to it, great black giants that are always working against each… … Wikipedia
Xun Zi — (chino tradicional: 荀子, chino simplificado: 荀子, pinyin: Xún Zǐ, Wade Giles: Hsün Tzu , ca. 312–230 a. C.) fue un filósofo chino seguidor del Confucianismo que vivió durante el período de los Reinos Combatientes y contribuyó en una… … Wikipedia Español
Disputation of Paris — The Disputation of Paris took place in 1240 in the court of the reigning king of France, Louis IX (St. Louis). The disputation had four rabbis defending the Talmud against the accusations of a Franciscan Order member. Contents 1 Disputers 2 Terms … Wikipedia
specification — spec i*fi*ca tion (sp[e^]s [i^]*f[i^]*k[=a] sh[u^]n), n. [Cf. F. sp[ e]cification, LL. specificatio.] 1. The act of specifying or determining by a mark or limit; notation of limits. [1913 Webster] This specification or limitation of the question… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chinese philosophy — Traditional Chinese 中國哲學 Simplified Chinese 中国哲学 Transc … Wikipedia
Mohism — or Moism (Chinese: 墨家; pinyin: Mòjiā; literally School of Mo ) was a Chinese philosophy developed by the followers of Mozi (also referred to as Mo Tzu (Master Mo), Latinized as Micius), 470 BC–c.391 BC. It evolved at about the same time as… … Wikipedia
Taoism — Daoism Chinese name Traditional Chinese 道 教wefo;buffo aseqff i like balls Simplified Chinese … Wikipedia
Buddhahood — In Buddhism, buddhahood (Sanskrit: buddhatva .Pali: buddhatta . Or (both) buddhabhāva ) is the state of perfect enlightenment (Sanskrit: samyaksambodhi . Pali: sammāsambodhi ) attained by a Audio|Buddha.ogg|buddha (Pali/Sanskrit for awakened one… … Wikipedia