disproportionate distribution

disproportionate distribution
непропорциональное распределение имущества между наследниками

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "disproportionate distribution" в других словарях:

  • Lift irrigation scheme — Irrigation Schemes mainly comprise canal irrigation and lift irrigation schemes. In such schemes, the most important and yet the most neglected portion is distribution of water. Let us first consider lift irrigation schemes Importance of lift… …   Wikipedia

  • El Salvador — /el sal veuh dawr /; Sp. /el sahl vah dhawrdd / a republic in NW Central America. 5,661,827; 13,176 sq. mi. (34,125 sq. km). Cap.: San Salvador. Also called Salvador. * * * El Salvador Introduction El Salvador Background: El Salvador achieved… …   Universalium

  • Laborem Exercens — was an encyclical written by Pope John Paul II in 1981, on human work. It is part of a larger body of writings known as Catholic social teaching, that trace their origin to Rerum Novarum which was issued by Pope Leo XIII in 1891.External links*… …   Wikipedia

  • maldistribution — n. unequal and unjust distribution of something, disproportionate distribution (such as wealth, population, resources, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Urbanization in China — At the end of 2006, China s total population was 1.3 billion, with 737 million (56%) and 577 million (44%) residing in the rural and urban areas respectively. [ [http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007 10/22/content 6925292.htm NBS: China s rural… …   Wikipedia

  • malapportioned — adjective Of an electoral district, characterized by a disproportionate distribution of representatives to a legislative body …   Wiktionary

  • Test, tilt-table — Tilt table testing involves placing the patient on a table with a foot support. The table is tilted upward and the blood pressure and pulse are measured and symptoms are recorded with the patient in diverse positions. The tilt table test is… …   Medical dictionary

  • Tilt-table test — Tilt table testing involves placing the patient on a table with a foot support. The table is tilted upward and the blood pressure and pulse are measured and symptoms are recorded with the patient in diverse positions. The tilt table test is… …   Medical dictionary

  • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, country in N. America. This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Colonial Era, 1654–1776 Early National Period, 1776–1820 German Jewish Period, 1820–1880 East European Jewish Period,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • International reactions to the 2006 Lebanon War — Reactions by the UN and national representativesflag|United NationsThe top UN official in Lebanon said Hezbollah’s action escalates the already tense situation along the Blue Line and is an act of very dangerous proportions, in a statement. Kofi… …   Wikipedia

  • Electoral College (United States) — Electoral votes by state/federal district, for the elections of 2012, 2016 and 2020, with apportionment changes between the 2000 and 2010 Censuses …   Wikipedia

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