displacement flux
Смотреть что такое "displacement flux" в других словарях:
electric displacement flux — elektrinės indukcijos srautas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dielectric flux; electric displacement flux vok. dielektrischer Verschiebungsfluß, m rus. поток смещения в диэлектрике, m; поток электрического смещения, m; поток… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
flux de déplacement électrique — elektrinės indukcijos srautas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dielectric flux; electric displacement flux vok. dielektrischer Verschiebungsfluß, m rus. поток смещения в диэлектрике, m; поток электрического смещения, m; поток… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
flux diélectrique — elektrinės indukcijos srautas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dielectric flux; electric displacement flux vok. dielektrischer Verschiebungsfluß, m rus. поток смещения в диэлектрике, m; поток электрического смещения, m; поток… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Displacement current — Electromagnetism Electricity · … Wikipedia
Flux — This article is about the concept of flux in science and mathematics. For other uses of the word, see Flux (disambiguation). In the various subfields of physics, there exist two common usages of the term flux, both with rigorous mathematical… … Wikipedia
dielectric flux — elektrinės indukcijos srautas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dielectric flux; electric displacement flux vok. dielektrischer Verschiebungsfluß, m rus. поток смещения в диэлектрике, m; поток электрического смещения, m; поток… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
electric displacement — Elect. the part of the electric field that is determined solely by free charges, without reference to the dielectric properties of the surrounding medium: measured in coulombs per square meter. Symbol: D Also called displacement. [1880 85] * * *… … Universalium
Threshold displacement energy — The threshold displacement energy Td is the minimum kinetic energy that an atom in a solid needs to be permanently displaced from its lattice site to a defect position. It is also known as displacement threshold energy or just displacement energy … Wikipedia
Magnetic flux — This article is about magnetic flux. For the magnetic field B (magnetic flux per area), see magnetic flux density. For the magnetic field H , see H field. Electromagnetism … Wikipedia
Electric displacement field — In physics, the electric displacement field, denoted as , is a vector field that appears in Maxwell s equations. It accounts for the effects of free charges within materials. D stands for displacement, as in the related concept of displacement… … Wikipedia
Compressed magnetic flux generator — Electromagnetism Electricity · … Wikipedia