- dispersion loss
- потери на расстояние, диссипативные потери
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
dispersion loss — dispersiniai nuostoliai statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. dispersion loss vok. Dispersionsverluste, m rus. дисперсионные потери, f pranc. pertes par dispersion, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Dispersion-shifted fiber — (DSF) is a type of optical fiber made to optimize both low dispersion and low attenuation. Dispersion Shifted Fiber is a type of single mode optical fiber with a core clad index profile tailored to shift the zero dispersion wavelength from the… … Wikipedia
pertes par dispersion — dispersiniai nuostoliai statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. dispersion loss vok. Dispersionsverluste, m rus. дисперсионные потери, f pranc. pertes par dispersion, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Teoría de la dispersión — Arriba: la parte real de una onda plana que viaja hacia arriba. Abajo: la parte real de un campo después de insertar en el camino de la onda un pequeño disco transparente con índice de refracción más alto que el índice del medio que le rodea.… … Wikipedia Español
Zero-dispersion wavelength — In a single mode optical fiber, the zero dispersion wavelength is the wavelength or wavelengths at which material dispersion and waveguide dispersion cancel one another. In all silica based optical fibers, minimum material dispersion occurs… … Wikipedia
Test de dispersión de la cromatina espermática — Este artículo o sección necesita ser wikificado con un formato acorde a las convenciones de estilo. Por favor, edítalo para que las cumpla. Mientras tanto, no elimines este aviso puesto el 16 de julio de 2011. También puedes ayudar wikific … Wikipedia Español
Nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber — (NZDSF), specified in ITU T G.655, is a type of single mode optical fiber which was designed to overcome the problems of dispersion shifted fiber. NZDSF is available in two primary flavors: NZD+ and NZD , which differ in their zero dispersion… … Wikipedia
Non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber — (NZDSF), specified in ITU T G.655, is a type of single mode optical fiber which was designed to overcome the problems of dispersion shifted fiber. NZDSF is available in two primary flavors: NZD+ and NZD , which differ in their zero dispersion… … Wikipedia
Polarization mode dispersion — (PMD) is a form of modal dispersion where two different polarizations of light in a waveguide, which normally travel at the same speed, travel at different speeds due to random imperfections and asymmetries, causing random spreading of optical… … Wikipedia
Electron energy loss spectroscopy — In electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) a material is exposed to a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies. Some of the electrons will undergo inelastic scattering, which means that they lose energy and have their… … Wikipedia
pertes par dispersion — sklaidos nuostoliai statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. scattering loss vok. Streuungsverluste, m; Streuverluste, m rus. потери на рассеяние, f pranc. pertes par diffusion, f; pertes par dispersion, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas