Смотреть что такое "disk-like" в других словарях:
disk´like´ — disk «dihsk», noun, verb. –n. 1. a thin, round, flat object shaped like a coin. 2. a round, flat surface, or a surface that seems so: »the sun s disk. 3. a round, flat part in a plant or animal: »The yellow center of a daisy is a disk. 4. Anatomy … Useful english dictionary
disk — [[t]dɪsk[/t]] n. 1) any thin, flat, circular plate or object 2) any surface that is flat and round, or seemingly so: the disk of the sun[/ex] 3) hfi disc 1) 4) cmp any of several types of media for storing electronic data consisting of thin round … From formal English to slang
Disk Order — 250px Screenshot of Disk Order Developer(s) Like Mac Group Stable release 3.1 Operating system Mac OS X Type … Wikipedia
Disk II — drives. The Disk II Floppy Disk Subsystem was a 5¼ inch floppy disk drive designed by Steve Wozniak and manufactured by Apple Computer. It was first introduced in 1978 at a retail price of US$495 for pre order; it was later sold for $595… … Wikipedia
Disk cloning — is the process of copying the contents of one computer hard disk to another disk or to an image file. Often, the contents of the first disk are written to an image file as an intermediate step, and the second disk is loaded with the contents of… … Wikipedia
Disk loading — The MV 22 Osprey tiltrotor has a relatively high disk loading, producing visible blade tip vortices from condensation of the marine air in this photo of a vertical takeoff … Wikipedia
Disk-drive performance characteristics — are the attributes which control the time it takes to transfer (read or write) data between a computer and a data storage device (most typically disk storage) starting with the initial command from the computer or host until the storage device… … Wikipedia
Disk on module — A disk on module (DOM) is a flash drive with either 40/44 pins IDE/Standard ATA Interface USB or SATA Interface to be used as a computer hard disk drive (HDD). The flash to IDE converter simulates a harddisk, and therefore the modules can be used … Wikipedia
disk — [disk] n. [L discus: see DISCUS] 1. a thin, flat, circular thing of any material 2. anything like this in form [the moon s disk] 3. any of the sharp, circular blades of a disk harrow: see HARROW1 4. Anat. a layer of fibrous connective tis … English World dictionary
disk — [ dısk ] noun count ** ▸ 1 for computer information ▸ 2 flat circular object ▸ 3 between bones of back ▸ 4 a record ▸ 5 CD 1. ) a small flat circular object in a square plastic case that can be used for storing information from a computer and can … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Disk Overhead — is the reason why a computer hard drive or storage device s capacity may show its capacity as different from its actual capacity.ExampleFor example, a computer company sells a hard drive that is marked as 200 gigabytes. When connected to a… … Wikipedia