disk seal
Смотреть что такое "disk seal" в других словарях:
Disk operating system — Dieser Artikel behandelt Betriebssysteme. Weitere Bedeutungen der Abkürzung DOS findet man unter Dos. Als Disk Operating System [dɪsk ˈɒpəɹeɪtɪŋ ˈsɪstəm] (kurz DOS) werden kleine und einfache Betriebssysteme für Computer bezeichnet, deren… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Seal of North Ossetia-Alania — The seal of North Ossetia is a disk gules with a snow leopard passant or with sable spots on a ground or with as background seven mountains argent (i.e. a red disk with a yellow snow leopard with black spots standing on a yellow ground and with… … Wikipedia
Dracula II: The Accursed Seal — Castlevania II: Simon s Quest Castlevania II: Simon s Quest Éditeur Konami Développeur Konami Date de sortie 28 août 1987 (Japon) décembre 1988 (États Unis) 27 avril 1990 (Europe) Mode de jeu Un joueur … Wikipédia en Français
grease seal — A circular metal disk covered in rubber or plastic with a center hole, an edge on the outside circumference, and another edge on the center hole with a spring to retain tension on the shaft that fits into the hole. It is used to keep grease and… … Dictionary of automotive terms
oil seal — (Automotive) round metal disk covered in rubber or plastic with a center hole used to prevent grease and oil from leaking out … English contemporary dictionary
tube — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pipe, hose, conduit; tunnel, subway; slang, television. See passage. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A hollow cylinder] Syn. conduit, hose, test tube, tubing, tunnel, loom, subway; see also pipe 1 . 2. [A… … English dictionary for students
Mullard-Philips tube designation — In Europe, the principal method of numbering vacuum tubes (or thermionic valves , as they are referred to in Europe and Australia, etc.) was the nomenclature developed and used by Mullard in the UK and applied Europe wide thanks to their… … Wikipedia
Valve transmitters — Most high power transmitter amplifiers are of valve construction because of the high power required.Anode circuitsSince valves are designed to operate with much higher resistive loads than solid state devices, the most common anode circuit is a… … Wikipedia
Valve RF amplifier — A valve RF amplifier (UK and Aus.) or tube amplifier (U.S.), is a device for electrically amplifying the power of an electrical , typically (but not exclusively) radio frequency signals.Low to medium power valve amplifiers for frequencies below… … Wikipedia
лампа с дисковыми спаями — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN disk seal tube … Справочник технического переводчика
Counter-Guerrilla — Seal of the Office of Defense Cooperation, Turkey. The 13 stars represent the original 13 US states, and indicate a United States Department of Defense organization (see seal).[1] Counter Guerrilla (Turkish: kontrgerilla) is the Turkish branch of … Wikipedia