- disk duplexing
- дублирование дисков(ых данных) на уровне подсистем (с разными дисковыми контроллерами)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Disk Duplexing — Disk Duplexing, Plattenspiegelung zur Erhöhung der Fehlertoleranz eines Systems (SFT) … Universal-Lexikon
disk duplexing — A fault tolerant technique that writes the same information simultaneously onto two hard disks. Each hard disk uses a different disk controller to provide greater redundancy. If one disk or disk controller fails, information from the other… … Dictionary of networking
disk duplexing — A procedure that allows multiple disk drives to be installed with separate disk channels for each set of drives. Write operations are performed simultaneously because each disk drive uses a separate disk channel … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
disk duplexing — ● ►en loc. m. ►DISQUE En français duplexage de disque. Technique consistant à enregistrer les mêmes données sur deux disques en même temps, chaque disque utilisant son propre contrôleur, de sorte qu on se retrouve avec un seul gros disque au lieu … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
disk mirroring — A fault tolerant technique that writes the same information simultaneously onto two hard disks or two hard disk partitions, using the same disk controller. If one disk or partition fails, information from the other can be used to continue… … Dictionary of networking
disk mirroring — ● ►en loc. m. ►DISQUE En français Disques (en) Miroir . Technique de tolérance aux pannes au niveau des fichiers, consistant à enregistrer les mêmes données sur deux disques en même temps, les deux disques utilisant un seul et unique contrôleur.… … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
Duplexing — Der Begriff RAID steht für englisch redundant array of independent disks (deutsch: Redundante Anordnung unabhängiger Festplatten, ursprünglich: redundant array of inexpensive disks, deutsch: Redundante Anordnung kostengünstiger Festplatten, was… … Deutsch Wikipedia
redundant array of inexpensive disks — Abbreviated RAID. In networking and mission critical applications, a method of using several hard disk drives (often SCSI or Integrated Drive Electronics [IDE] drives) in an array to provide fault tolerance in the event that one or more than… … Dictionary of networking
data protection — Techniques used by network operating systems to ensure the integrity of data on the network, including protecting data against surface defects developing on the disk and storing redundant copies of important system data, such as file indices… … Dictionary of networking
System Fault Tolerance — Abbreviated SFT. In Novell NetWare, a method of duplicating data on several hard disks so that if one disk fails, the data is still available from another disk. Several levels of hardware and software SFT are available in NetWare, with each … Dictionary of networking
backup — An up to date copy of all your files. You make a backup for several reasons: • Insurance against possible hard disk or file server failure. Hard disks often fail completely, taking all your work with them. If this failure occurs, you can… … Dictionary of networking