disk algebra

disk algebra
мат. алгебра на круге

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "disk algebra" в других словарях:

  • Disk algebra — For other uses, see Disc (disambiguation). In function theory, the disk algebra A(D) (also spelled disc algebra) is the set of holomorphic functions f : D → C, where D is the open unit disk in the complex plane C, f extends to a continuous… …   Wikipedia

  • Disk (mathematics) — For other uses, see Disc (disambiguation). A disk is the region bounded by a circle. An open disk is the interior of the disk excluding the bounding circle, while a closed disk (see closed set) is the open disk together with the bounding circle.… …   Wikipedia

  • Planar algebra — In mathematics, planar algebras first appeared in the work of Vaughan Jones on the standard invariant of a II1 subfactor [http://www.math.berkeley.edu/ vfr/plnalg1.ps] . They also provide an appropriate algebraic framework for many knot… …   Wikipedia

  • Fundamental theorem of algebra — In mathematics, the fundamental theorem of algebra states that every non constant single variable polynomial with complex coefficients has at least one complex root. Equivalently, the field of complex numbers is algebraically closed.Sometimes,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (D) — NOTOC D D distribution D module D D Agostino s K squared test D Alembert Euler condition D Alembert operator D Alembert s formula D Alembert s paradox D Alembert s principle Dagger category Dagger compact category Dagger symmetric monoidal… …   Wikipedia

  • List of functional analysis topics — This is a list of functional analysis topics, by Wikipedia page. Contents 1 Hilbert space 2 Functional analysis, classic results 3 Operator theory 4 Banach space examples …   Wikipedia

  • Disc — Contents 1 Data storage 2 Science 2.1 Astronomy 2.2 Biology …   Wikipedia

  • List of complex analysis topics — Complex analysis, traditionally known as the theory of functions of a complex variable, is the branch of mathematics that investigates functions of complex numbers. It is useful in many branches of mathematics, including number theory and applied …   Wikipedia

  • analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… …   Universalium

  • Operad theory — is a field of abstract algebra concerned with prototypical algebras that model properties such as commutativity or anticommutativity as well as various amounts of associativity. Operads generalize the various associativity properties already… …   Wikipedia

  • computer — computerlike, adj. /keuhm pyooh teuhr/, n. 1. Also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Cf. analog… …   Universalium

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