
сущ. отлив денежных ресурсов из кредитно-финансовых институтов на неорганизованный рынок ссудного капитала (с целью повышения ставок процента) (экономика) изъятие денег с банковских счетов для помещения их в ценные бумаги disintermediation отказ от посредничества

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "disintermediation" в других словарях:

  • Disintermediation — ist ein Schlagwort aus dem Bereich der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, das allgemein den Wegfall einzelner Stufen der Wertschöpfungskette beschreibt. Disintermediation beschreibt einen Bedeutungsverlust von Intermediären (Vermittlern zwischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • disintermediation — dis·in·ter·me·di·a·tion /dis ˌin tər ˌmē dē ā shən/ n [from the investor s bypassing of the intermediate institution]: the diversion of savings from accounts with low fixed interest rates to direct investment in high yielding instruments Merriam… …   Law dictionary

  • disintermediation — ☆ disintermediation [dis΄in΄tər mē΄dē ā′shən ] n. the withdrawal of funds from banks and savings institutions in order to invest them in government securities, commercial paper, etc. paying higher rates of interest …   English World dictionary

  • Disintermediation — Although Webvan failed in its goal of disintermediating the North American supermarket industry, several supermarket chains (like Safeway Inc.) have launched their own delivery services to target the niche market to which Webvan catered. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Disintermediation — Withdrawal of funds from a financial institution in order to invest them directly. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * disintermediation dis‧in‧ter‧me‧di‧a‧tion [dɪsˌɪntəmiːdiˈeɪʆn ǁ tər ] noun [uncountable] FINANCE BANKING when… …   Financial and business terms

  • disintermediation — (1) The investing of funds that would normally have been placed in a bank or other financial institution ( financial intermediaries) directly into investment instruments issued by the ultimate users of the funds. Investors and borrowers transact… …   Financial and business terms

  • disintermediation — noun a) The removal of funds from a financial institution such as a bank for direct purchase of financial instruments. The news industry is undergoing a massive disintermediation due to the ubiquitous low cost communication made possible by the… …   Wiktionary

  • Disintermediation — 1. In finance, withdrawal of funds from intermediary financial institutions, such as banks and savings and loan associations, in order to invest them directly. 2. Generally, removing the middleman or intermediary. Disintermediation is usually… …   Investment dictionary

  • disintermediation — n. The trend towards direct interaction between consumers and producers, which reduces or eliminates the need for intermediaries such as wholesalers, retailers, brokers, and agents. Example Citation: When information shifts from physical to… …   New words

  • disintermediation — The elimination of such middlemen as brokers and bankers from financial transactions. Disintermediation has been a consequence of new technology, deregulation, and globalization. Although it enables both parties to a transaction to save costs on… …   Accounting dictionary

  • disintermediation — 1) The elimination of such middlemen as brokers and bankers from financial transactions. Disintermediation has been a consequence of new technology, deregulation, and globalization Although it enables both parties to a transaction to save costs… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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