Смотреть что такое "dish-washing" в других словарях:
dish washing machine — n. dishwasher; machine for washing dishes … English contemporary dictionary
dish washing — act of cleansing dishes by hand or with a dishwasher … English contemporary dictionary
dish-washing detergent — type of soap which is used when cleaning dishes and silverware … English contemporary dictionary
dish-washing liquid — specialized liquid used to clean dishes and silverware … English contemporary dictionary
Dish draining closet — A dish draining closet. The dish draining closet is a Finnish invention by Maiju Gebhard, intended to speed up the drying up of washed dishes, or even to make the entire drying phase unnecessary. It was developed in the Finnish Association for… … Wikipedia
dish|wash|ing — «DIHSH WOSH ihng, WSH », noun, adjective. –n. the washing of dishes. –adj. for washing dishes: »a dishwashing machine, a dishwashing compound … Useful english dictionary
dish-clout — dishˈcloth or (archaic or dialect) dishˈ clout noun A cloth for washing, drying or wiping dishes • • • Main Entry: ↑dish … Useful english dictionary
washing-up liquid — washing up liquids N MASS Washing up liquid is a thick soapy liquid which you add to hot water to clean dirty dishes. [BRIT] (in AM, use dishwashing liquid, dish soap) … English dictionary
dish|wash|er — «DIHSH WOSH uhr, WSH », noun. 1. a machine for washing dishes, pots, glasses, and silverware: »These modern heaters can deliver…superhot water for laundry and dishwasher (Harper s). 2. a person who washes dishes in a restaurant kitchen or the… … Useful english dictionary
dish — /dɪʃ / (say dish) noun 1. an open, more or less shallow container of pottery, glass, metal, wood, etc., used for various purposes, especially for holding or serving food. 2. that which is served or contained in a dish. 3. a particular article or… …
dish pig — /ˈdɪʃ pɪg/ (say dish pig) noun Colloquial an employee in a cafe or restaurant who does the washing up. Also, dishpig. {dish (def. 1) + pig1 (def. 5); from the notion that this is considered the most menial task} …