dish washer
Смотреть что такое "dish washer" в других словарях:
dish washer — A washer is a flat disc with a hole in the center. The disc in a dish washer is dished or bent in a concave fashion … Dictionary of automotive terms
dish washer — n. machine for washing dishes; one employed to wash dishes … English contemporary dictionary
dish-washer — n. Goosander, wagtail, dun diver (Mergus merganser or Mergus castor) … New dictionary of synonyms
dish washer — noun a machine for washing dishes • Syn: ↑dishwasher, ↑dishwashing machine • Hypernyms: ↑white goods … Useful english dictionary
DISH-WASHER — … Useful english dictionary
washer — A flat disc with a hole in the center. It may be made of metal, rubber, plastic, or leather. It is often placed under a nut to even out pressure and prevent damage to the part on which it rests. See bridge washer crush washer cup washer dish… … Dictionary of automotive terms
dish pig — noun A dish washer, ie. a person who does that job (at a restaurant or similar). 2003: A dish pig washes dishes for a living. mdash; Steve Baker review of Rob Longstaff Ten Tracks At A Reasonable Price, at the [ … Wiktionary
Dishwasher Pete — Dish Washer redirects here. For the mechanical appliance, see dishwasher. Dishwasher Pete is the pen name for Pete Jordan, narcissistic hobo and author of the Dishwasher zine as well as the book of the same title, whose goal was to wash dishes in … Wikipedia
dishwasher — /dish wosh euhr, waw sheuhr/, n. 1. a person who washes dishes. 2. a machine for washing dishes, kitchen utensils, etc., automatically. [1520 30; DISH + WASHER] * * * … Universalium
Dishwashing — Washing dishes This article is about washing cooking utensils, dishes etc. For the period before Parliament is dissolved, see wash up period. Dish washing (British English washing up) is the process of cleaning cooking utensils, dishes … Wikipedia
white goods — noun 1. large electrical home appliances (refrigerators or washing machines etc.) that are typically finished in white enamel • Usage Domain: ↑plural, ↑plural form • Hypernyms: ↑home appliance, ↑household appliance • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary