Diseconomy of scale — Diseconomies of scale are the forces that cause larger firms and governments to produce goods and services at increased per unit costs. The concept is less well known than economies of scale. The rising part of the long run average cost curve… … Wikipedia
diseconomy of scale — an increase in unit costs brought about especially by increased size of production facilities usually used in plural; compare economy of scale herein … Useful english dictionary
diseconomy — /dɪsəˈkɒnəmi / (say disuh konuhmee) noun 1. the lack of economy; a faulty economy. –phrase 2. diseconomies of scale, a situation where a manufacturer finds that any increase in capital outlay in plant and machinery results in higher costs per… …
diseconomy — n. Econ. the absence or reverse of economy, esp. the increase of costs in a large scale operation … Useful english dictionary
economy of scale — ▪ economics in economics, the relationship between the size of a plant or industry and the lowest possible cost of a product. When a factory increases output, a reduction in the average cost of a product is usually obtained. This reduction… … Universalium
Inertia (disambiguation) — Inertia is the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force.Inertia can also refer to: Physics/Science * Moment of inertia, also known as Rotational Inertia, is the tendency of a body… … Wikipedia
Open source — This article is about the production and development model. For its application to software, see Open source software. For the form of intelligence collection management, see Open source intelligence. For other uses, see Open source… … Wikipedia
шкала, масштаб — Трудовые отношения: норма, ставка. Ставка заработной платьг для определенной категории работников. Например, ставка в профсоюзе плотников составляет 15,60 долл. в час. Экономика предприятия: масштаб производства; например, экономия или расходы за … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь