diseconomies — dis‧e‧con‧o‧mies [ˌdɪsɪˈkɒnəmiz ǁ ˈkɑː ] noun [plural] ECONOMICS extra costs that make something less profitable: • There will be some diseconomies when the two companies merge. * * * diseconomies UK US /ˌdɪsɪˈkɒnəmiz/ noun [plural] ECONOMICS ►… … Financial and business terms
diseconomies of scale — ➔ scale * * * diseconomies of scale UK US noun [plural] ECONOMICS, PRODUCTION ► a situation in which the cost of producing a product or providing a service increases as the total amount that is produced increases: »As they grow, some private… … Financial and business terms
Diseconomies Of Scale — An economic concept referring to a situation in which economies of scale no longer function for a firm. Rather than experiencing continued decreasing costs per increase in output, firms see an increase in marginal cost when output is increased.… … Investment dictionary
diseconomies — n. factor that adds costs; lack of economy … English contemporary dictionary
diseconomies of scale — at large scale levels of output inefficienies may creep in and cause unit costs to rise … Geography glossary
Diseconomies of Scope — ⇡ Economies of Scope … Lexikon der Economics
diseconomies of scale — Increases in the *unit costs of manufactured items in line with increases in *production levels. Contrast *economies of scale … Auditor's dictionary
diseconomies of scale — /dɪsɪˌkɒnənmiz əv skeɪl/ plural noun a situation where increased production leads to a higher production cost per unit or average production cost … Marketing dictionary in english
diseconomies of scale — /dɪsɪˌkɒnəmiz əv skeɪl/ plural noun a situation where increased production leads to a higher production cost per unit or average production cost COMMENT: After having increased production using the existing workforce and machinery, giving… … Dictionary of banking and finance
External Diseconomies Of Scale — External factors beyond the control of a company increases its total costs, as output in the rest of the industry increases. The increase in costs can be associated with market prices increasing for some or all of the factors of production.… … Investment dictionary
Diseconomy of scale — Diseconomies of scale are the forces that cause larger firms and governments to produce goods and services at increased per unit costs. The concept is less well known than economies of scale. The rising part of the long run average cost curve… … Wikipedia