discretionary power — One which is not imperative or, if imperative, the time, manner, or extent of execution of which is left to donee s discretion. The power to do or to refrain from doing a certain thing. City of San Antonio v. Zogheib, Tex.Civ.App., 70 S.W.2d 333 … Black's law dictionary
discretionary power — One which is not imperative or, if imperative, the time, manner, or extent of execution of which is left to donee s discretion. The power to do or to refrain from doing a certain thing. City of San Antonio v. Zogheib, Tex.Civ.App., 70 S.W.2d 333 … Black's law dictionary
discretionary — dis·cre·tion·ary /dis kre shə ˌner ē/ adj: left to discretion: exercised at one s own discretion; specif: relating to the policy making function of a public official see also federal tort claims act in the important laws section compare… … Law dictionary
power — pow·er n 1: capability of acting or of producing an effect parties of unequal bargaining power 2 a: authority or capacity to act that is delegated by law or constitution often used in pl. commerce power often cap C&P: the power delegated to… … Law dictionary
power of advancement — England, Wales A power that enables trustees to pay or apply capital to, or for the benefit of, a beneficiary. Trustees may apply capital for the benefit of a beneficiary by creating new trusts for him (a settled advance). A power of advancement… … Law dictionary
Discretionary trust — Wills, trusts and estates … Wikipedia
discretionary account — An arrangement by which the holder of the account gives written power of attorney to another person, often his broker, to make trading decisions. Also known as a controlled or managed account. Chicago Board of Trade glossary An arrangement in… … Financial and business terms
discretionary — A discretionary broker buys and sells shares on behalf of the client and also has the authority to make investment decisions without the prior approval of the client. London Stock Exchange Glossary * * * discretionary UK US /dɪˈskreʃənəri/… … Financial and business terms
Discretionary account — Accounts over which an individual or organization, other than the person in whose name the account is carried, exercises trading authority or control. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * discretionary account discretionary account ➔… … Financial and business terms
discretionary — adjective 1. having or using the ability to act or decide according to your own discretion or judgment (Freq. 1) The commission has discretionary power to award extra funds • Syn: ↑discretional • Similar to: ↑arbitrary • Derivationally related… … Useful english dictionary
Discretionary trusts and powers in English law — are elements of the English law of trusts, specifically of express trusts. Express trusts are trusts expressly declared by the settlor; normally this is intended, although there are situations where the settlor s intentions create a trust… … Wikipedia