- discrete-continuous system
- непрерывно-дискретная система
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Discrete Event System Specification — DEVS (de l anglais Discrete Event System Specification) est un formalisme modulaire et hiérarchique pour la modélisation, la simulation et l analyse de systèmes complexes qui peuvent être des systèmes à événements discrets décrits par des… … Wikipédia en Français
Continuous simulation — refers to a computer model of a physical system that continuously tracks system response over time according to a set of equations typically involving differential equations.[1][2] Contents 1 History 2 Modern applications … Wikipedia
Discrete mathematics — For the mathematics journal, see Discrete Mathematics (journal). Graphs like this are among the objects studied by discrete mathematics, for their interesting mathematical properties, their usefulness as models of real world problems, and their… … Wikipedia
Continuous graph — This article is about sets of vertices and edges (graphs) defined on a continuous space. For graphs of continuous functions, see Continuous function. For connected graphs, see Connectivity (graph theory). A continuous graph is a graph whose set… … Wikipedia
Discrete event simulation — In discrete event simulation, the operation of a system is represented as a chronological sequence of events. Each event occurs at an instant in time and marks a change of state in the system [1]. For example, if an elevator is simulated, an… … Wikipedia
Discrete event dynamic system — In control engineering, a discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) is a discrete state, event driven system of which the state evolution depends entirely on the occurrence of asynchronous discrete events over time. Although similar to continuous… … Wikipedia
Continuous-flow manufacturing — (CFM) is a manufacturing strategy that produces a part via a just in time and kanban production approach, and calls for an ongoing examination and improvement efforts which ultimately requires integration of all elements of the production system … Wikipedia
Continuous Flow Analysis — (CFA) bezeichnet eine Analysentechnik, die nasschemische Analyseverfahren automatisch durchführt. Dabei werden die Verfahrenschritte von photometrisch analytischen Methoden in einem kontinuierliche Fluss von Probe und Reagenzien in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
System — (from Latin systēma , in turn from Greek polytonic|σύστημα systēma) is a set of interacting or interdependent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole. The concept of an integrated whole can also be stated in terms of a system… … Wikipedia
System analysis — See also systems analysis. : MISO redirects here, for the data line see Serial Peripheral Interface Bus. System analysis is the branch of electrical engineering that characterizes electrical systems and their properties. Although many of the… … Wikipedia
Discrete Fourier transform — Fourier transforms Continuous Fourier transform Fourier series Discrete Fourier transform Discrete time Fourier transform Related transforms In mathematics, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a specific kind of discrete transform, used in… … Wikipedia