- discrete class
- мат. дискретный класс (факторов)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Discrete choice analysis — is a statistical technique. In these models the dependent variable is a binary variable. Instances of discrete choice analysis are probit, logit and multinomial models. They are applied in econometrics, marketing research and transportation mode… … Wikipedia
Discrete nanoscale transport — refers to a class of transport phenomena inside cells.[1] The word “nanoscale” refers to the nano morphological features of the discrete entities being transported and their relevant interactions, whose length scale is from a few to several… … Wikipedia
class — n Class, category, genus, species, denomination, genre are compared here only in their general, nonspecial ized use, and the following comments may be inapplicable to such technical fields as philosophy and the sciences. Class is a very general… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Discrete tomography — A discrete tomography reconstruction problem for two vertical and horizontal directions (left), together with its (non unique) solution (right). The task is to color some of the white points black so that the number of black points in the rows… … Wikipedia
Discrete choice — In economics, discrete choice problems involve choices between two or more discrete alternatives, such as entering or not entering the labor market, or choosing between modes of transport. Such choices contrast with standard consumption models in … Wikipedia
Discrete logarithm — In mathematics, specifically in abstract algebra and its applications, discrete logarithms are group theoretic analogues of ordinary logarithms. In particular, an ordinary logarithm loga(b) is a solution of the equation ax = b over the… … Wikipedia
Discrete transform — In signal processing, discrete transforms are mathematical transforms, often linear transforms, of signals between discrete domains, such as between discrete time and discrete frequency.[1] Many common integral transforms used in signal… … Wikipedia
Discrete category — In mathematics, especially category theory, a discrete category is a category whose only morphisms are the identity morphisms. It is the simplest kind of category. Specifically a category C is discrete if homC(X, X) = {idX} for all objects X… … Wikipedia
Class-D amplifier — Block diagram of a basic switching or PWM (class D) amplifier A class D amplifier or switching amplifier is an electronic amplifier where all power devices (usually MOSFETs) are operated as binary switches. They are either fully on or fully… … Wikipedia
Class browser — Screenshot of Gedit with Python, LaTeX and Class Browser extensions, displaying Inkscape s lorem ipsum extension. A class browser is a feature of an integrated development environment (IDE) that allows the programmer to browse, navigate, or… … Wikipedia
class — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: French classe, from Latin classis group called to military service, fleet, class; perhaps akin to Latin calare to call more at low Date: 1602 1. a. a body of students meeting regularly to study the same … New Collegiate Dictionary