discrepancy statement
Смотреть что такое "discrepancy statement" в других словарях:
discrepancy — UK [dɪsˈkrepənsɪ] / US [dɪˈskrepənsɪ] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms discrepancy : singular discrepancy plural discrepancies a difference between things that should be the same a discrepancy between estimated and actual spending There… … English dictionary
discrepancy — dis|crep|an|cy [ dı skrepənsi ] noun count or uncount a difference between things that should be the same: There were some discrepancies in the statement he gave to the police. a discrepancy between estimated and actual spending … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Bank Reconciliation Statement — A form that allows individuals to compare their personal bank account records to the bank s records of the individual s account balance in order to uncover any possible discrepancies. Since there are timing differences between when data is… … Investment dictionary
reconciliation statement — In accounting, a statement prepared to bring two or more accounts which show a discrepancy into agreement … Black's law dictionary
извещение об отклонении от технических условий — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN discrepancy statement … Справочник технического переводчика
biblical literature — Introduction four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha. The Old… … Universalium
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium
Learning disability — In the United States and Canada, the term learning disability (LD) refers to a group of disorders that affect a broad range of academic and functional skills including the ability to speak, listen, read, write, spell, reason and organize… … Wikipedia
calendar — calendrical /keuh len dri keuhl/, calendric, calendarial /kal euhn dair ee euhl/, calendarian, calendaric, adj. /kal euhn deuhr/, n. 1. a table or register with the days of each month and week in a year: He marked the date on his calendar. 2. any … Universalium
Net capital rule — The uniform net capital rule is a rule created by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) in 1975 to regulate directly the ability of broker dealers to meet their financial obligations to customers and other creditors.[1] Broker… … Wikipedia
Unsolved problems in philosophy — This article deals mainly with unsolved problems in analytic philosophy. For other schools of philosophy, this concept is not well defined. Philosophical problems are unlike scientific or mathematical problems in that problems in philosophy are… … Wikipedia