- disclimax
- биол. дисклимакс (биология) дисклимакс
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
disclimax — [dis klī′maks΄] n. Ecol. a climax community disrupted and changed by continuous disturbance, esp. by humans or domestic animals … English World dictionary
disclimax — disklimaksas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Ilgalaikės, patvarios augalų bendrijos (fitocenozės) digresinio pobūdžio kitimas (pvz., vietoje iškirsto miško (kirtavietės) susidaro pastovi ganykla). atitikmenys: angl.… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
disclimax — noun Date: 1935 a relatively stable ecological community often including kinds of organisms foreign to the region and displacing the climax because of disturbance especially by humans … New Collegiate Dictionary
disclimax — /dis kluy maks/, n. Ecol. a stable community that has replaced the normal climax in a given area, owing to disturbance by humans or domestic animals. [1935 40; DIS 1 + CLIMAX] * * * … Universalium
disclimax — dis·climax … English syllables
disclimax — dis•cli•max [[t]dɪsˈklaɪ mæks[/t]] n. ecl a stable ecological community that has replaced the normal climax in a given area owing to ecological disturbance, esp. by human activity • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
disclimax — (ˈ)dis, də̇s+ noun Etymology: dis (I) + climax : a relatively stable ecological community that often includes kinds of organisms (as species) foreign to the region and that has displaced the climax because of disturbance especially by man or… … Useful english dictionary
Ecological succession — Succession after disturbance: a boreal forest one (left) and two years (right) after a wildfire. Ecological succession, is the phenomenon or process by which a community progressively transforms itself until a stable community is formed. It is a… … Wikipedia
BIOCÉNOSES — Le terme de «biocénose» a été introduit dans le langage scientifique en 1877 par le biologiste allemand Möbius, à propos de l’étude des bancs d’huîtres, auxquels de nombreux organismes se trouvent associés. Selon cet auteur, une biocénose est «un … Encyclopédie Universelle
Climax community — The Daintree Rainforest in Queensland, Australia is an example of a climax forest ecosystem. In ecology, a climax community, or climatic climax community, is a biological community of plants and animals which, through the process of ecological… … Wikipedia
Lithosere — A lithosere (a sere originating on rock) is a plant succession that begins life on a newly exposed rock surface, such as one left bare as a result of glacial retreat, tectonic uplift as in the formation of a raised beach, or volcanic eruptions.… … Wikipedia